Service: Short-Term Rentals
Short-Term Rentals (STR)
To preserve the residential nature in the Town of Varick, while supporting tourism in the area, the Town of Varick requires a permit for any Short-Term Rentals (STR) within its borders. A short-term rental involves renting a house or part thereof for under 30 nights with compensation to the owner or lessee. It differs from a Bed and Breakfast and similar hospitality uses.
The Town of Varick placed a limit on the number of STR permits allocated along both Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. That limit has been reached. Presently there are no new permits available in these Lakeshore Residential Districts. There are permits available in the Agriculture and Rural Residential District, as well as for owner-occupied and owner-supervised STRs. An owner-supervised STR applies if the rental is in the owner’s building (for example, an apartment) and the owner resides in that building for at least six months yearly, including the time the STR is rented. Owner-supervised status applies if the STR is on the same lot or an adjacent lot to the owner and the owner lives on that property for at least six months yearly and is present during the rental period.
The Town of Varick has a waitlist for those who wish to be contacted if a STR permit becomes available.
STR permits are not transferable if a STR property is sold. A person can have no more than two STR permits within the Town of Varick.
Who Do I Contact?
The primary contact for Short-Term Rentals is:
Cindy Lont
STR Administrator