Varick Lakeshore Residents’ Meetings July 8-9, 2006


Varick Lakeshore Residents’ Meetings July 8-9, 2006

Organized by the Varick Planning Board to determine which protections residents in the lakeshore zone want in the zoning code. July 8 (Seneca) and 9 (Cayuga), 2006.

Seneca Lake
July 8, 2006
LDS Seneca Youth Camp

41 Residents attending
Bob Kayser, discussion leader
Larry Peterson, Thomas Björkman VPB members attending

Size of lakeshore zone
Preference is 600 ft to 1700 ft from lake.
600 feet, 3 people; > 600, most; 1/4 mile, 15, 1/2 mile, 6. May be sufficient to have 1/4 mi up side roads, and less (600 ft) between roads.

Permitted uses have a common factor: Land uses that increase traffic on East Lake Road are undesirable.
Higher density is NOT desirable.
Condominium developments are NOT desirable.

Commercial development
Maximum acceptable is Marina with 2 hotels, 2 nice restaurants total for Seneca shore of Varick.
Bed & Breakfast Yes
Gas station NO
Sandwich place (depends on aesthetics and noise): specify design, hours
Winery/tasting room. Only on side road. Tour buses limited to 4 or 6 tours/day.
Home occupancy business: no
Dog breeding kennels: no (noise).
Other businesses: no

Quality of undesirable businesses: Increase traffic and make noise.

More businesses on second tier of development (1/4 to 1/2 mile from road)
Resort or golf course on land behind East Lake, overlooking lake is desirable.
No businesses at all was a strong theme from many.

Water quality.
Septic inspection (Though this does not apply to most Seneca lakeshore):
10 years after initial installation, then at 2 (16 votes) or 5 (11 votes) year intervals. (assumption is that inspection will be done at time of septic pumping by town contractor who charges $50 to $100).

Stormwater runoff onto lakeshore properties is a concern.

Desirable public amentities. Walking and biking paths on road (have county do it).
Require residents to move garbage cans from road after collection.

Lot size: 0.7 acres is bigger than needed. Criterion for changes: reducing tax burden is desirable.

House size/viewshed. Two story limit.

Cayuga Lake
July 9, 2006
Varick United Methodist Church

58 Residents attending
Thomas Björkman, discussion leader
Annie Bachman VPB member attending
Dick Peterson, Kathy Russo, Town board members attending

Desirable government-funded development: Bike trail, ball park, community garden.

Residential construction.
Minimum setback: reduce only in cases where it allows matching existing housing.
Side setback, at least 10 feet, but not much more.
Maximum footprint, make a percentage of lot size rather than absolute size.
Viewshed: Building bulk is a strong concern. On lake side of Rt. 89, strong support for a maximum building height of 12 ft above center line of highway. (Current practice.)
Comment: New power (and communications) lines should be buried.
Signage. Should not be excessive or unsightly.

Unacceptable uses: Things that create risk of chemical or gas spill. Malodor.

Commercial uses
No resorts. (Two proponents, many opponents)
Shed sales, boat storage: Nearby, but not on Rt. 89.
Bed and Breakfasts OK, but regulated to protect privacy, limit noise, and accommodate parking with low visual impact.
Home occupancy: yes
Winery tasting room: yes

Traffic: speed is major concern. Substantial volume is acceptable, congestion is not big issue (as it is on East Lake)

Restaurant is good
Condominium complex is bad.

Water quality
Septic inspection. Five year intervals overwhelmingly preferred. (Assumption is that inspection will be done at time of septic pumping by town contractor who charges $50 to $100.)

Size of lakeshore zone
How deep (west of Rt. 89 ) should the zone be?
200 ft: 3 residents
500 ft : 13
1000 ft: 19
>1000 ft: 1

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