Varick Planning Board February 2007

Varick Planning Board February 2007

Town of Varick Planning Board
February 22, 2007

The Varick Town Planning Board met February 22, 2007 at 7 PM at the Varick Firehouse. Attending the meeting were Chairman Thomas Bjorkman, Larry Peterson, Bill Larzelere, Frankie Long, and Bob Kayser. Absent were Kevin Swartley and Annie Bachman.

Bill Larzelere made a motion that the minutes of the January 25, 2007 meeting be approved. Thomas Bjorkman seconded the motion and it was carried.

Chairman Bjorkman said that the Planning Board received a very short letter from the Town Board signed by Donna Karlsen announcing that they had approved the biofuels plant.

Frankie Long gave a report on the day long Mount Morris training session she attended. She said it was very good. She said they talked about how to build a town in NYS in open spaces. She said zoning was key, else nothing happens.

The Use Table was discussed at length. Good progress was made and most of the blocks on the table were completed. Indefinite car or yard sales will be limited by an annual permit that lasts 30 days.

Bob Kayser made a motion that Chairman Thomas Bjorkman send a letter from the Varick Planning Board to the IDA expressing our disappointment that they had not addressed our concerns regarding the biofuels plant. Bill Larzelere seconded the motion and it was carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.


Larry Peterson

Approved March 22, 2007

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