Varick Planning Board June 2007

Varick Planning Board June 2007

Varick Planning Board
June 28, 2007

The Varick Planning Board met June 28, 2007 at 7 PM at the Varick Firehouse. In attendance were Thomas Bjorkman, Larry Peterson, Kevin Swartley, Annie Bachman, Bob Kayser, and Bill Larzelere. Absent was Frankie Long.

Two minor changes were made to the minutes from May 24, 2007 and they were approved.

There is a grant possibility for Farmland Protection. Harriet Haynes is aware of it and the county and other towns may also apply for this grant as well as the Ag Enhancement Board of which Kevin Swartley is a member. Anne Bachman made a motion that we notify the county we are interested in this grant. Kevin Swartley seconded the motion and it was carried.

Bill Larzelere gave us a presentation on the definition of a Laboratory/R&D facility. It was modified as follows: A place where scientific research and development is conducted and analysis performed. Most laboratories are characterized by controlled conditions (temperature, humidity, cleanliness). Procedures often include sampling, pre-treatment and treatment, measurement, calculation, and presentation of results. Some examples of technologies studied and industries served would be pharmaceutical, electronics, life sciences, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology, petroleum, chemical, food and agricultural, manufacturing, methods and support for many other industries.

Bob Kayser made a motion to accept this definition. Annie Bachman seconded the motion and it was carried.

Annie Bachman gave a report on vehicle sales and service. Vehicle service: An establishment that, for compensation, is wholly or partially engaged in the business of repairing or diagnosing motor vehicle malfunctions or repairing motor vehicle bodies, fenders or other components damage by accident or otherwise. it includes establishments whose activities consist solely of fueling, changing oil, water, batteries or tires, replacing fan belts, air filters or oil filters; and those engaged in the business of repairing road building machines, farm machines, lawn machines, garden machines, and vehicles registered as special purpose vehicles.

Bob Kayser made a motion to approve this definition. Annie Bachman seconded it and it was carried.

Vehicle sales: An establishment regarded as a dealer under section 78.1(a) of New York Motor Vehicle Dealers and Transporters regulation. Selling, or offering for sale, more than five motor vehicles, motorcycles or trailers, other than mobile home trailers, in any calendar year, or who displays or permits the display of three or more motor vehicles, motorcycles or trailer for sale at any one time or within any one calendar month upon premises owned or controlled.
Annie reported that there is much information in the state DMV law that we can just reference rather than rewriting it all ourselves. Kevin Swartley disagreed with the concept of a strict limit on this type of new business coming into Varick.

Bill Larzelere made a motion to approve this sales definition. Bob Kayser seconded it and it was carried with Kevin Swartley opposed.

Larry Peterson reported on the definition of a warehouse: a business whose principal activity is the storage of merchandise or materials for others, and which occupies an total area greater than 1000 square feet. It seems to be the consensus that warehouses will only be allowed in the institutional zone. Kevin Swartley noted that FLTG has now taken over any vacant space in the institutional zone effectively eliminating any new warehouses in Varick. A motion was made by Bob Kayser to accept this definition. Bill Larzelere seconded it and it was carried with Kevin Swartley opposed.

We had an extensive discussion on multi-family dwellings as stand alone units and above retail and commercial space. Dwelling above retail space: must meet the following criteria: the total building must be at least 2000 square feet of usable space. The dwelling area should be no less than 550 square feet. Kitchen facilities must include at least a stove, refrigerator, and sink suitable for dish washing must be present in each dwelling unit.

Bathroom facilities including at least a tub or shower, toilet and lavatory must be present inside each dwelling unit.

Must provide no fewer than 2 off street parking spaces per dwelling unit. It shall not detract from the visual aesthetics of the neighborhood

Dwelling: Any building or structure or part thereof, used and occupied for human habitation, or intended to be so used. The terms dwelling unit, one-family dwelling, two family dwelling, and town house dwelling shall not be deemed to include, motel, hotel, rooming house, bed & breakfast, or other accommodations used for more or less transient occupancy of less than 30 days,

Dwelling, multi-family: One or more dwellings located on a single lot or on contiguous lots with common ownership providing separate dwelling units for 3 or more families including condominiums and cooperative apartment buildings.

Travel trailer. No motor home, camper, or similar travel vehicle shall be parked or located overnight within the town except a) On the property of the owner. If used as a permanent seasonal residence, setback for structures must be met. May not be used as permanent year-round housing. Bob Kayser made motion to approve the first exception for travel trailers. Bill Larzelere seconded it and it was carried.

Mobile Home. All mobile homes shall be on a permanent foundation that goes below frost line, with anchors or tie-downs capable of securing the stability of the mobile home. All mobile homes shall be provided with skirting to screen the space between the mobile home and the ground shall be of a material which shall provide a finished exterior appearance. Mobile homes not on a pad or foundation, or unoccupied for 12 months, must be disposed of off the property.

Bob Kayser made a motion to approve this requirement for mobile homes. Annie Bachman seconded it and it was carried.

Chairman Bjorkman said he thinks we are at the point where we should give our product to Harriet Haynes in the county planning board for her comments. Everyone agreed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.


Larry Peterson

Approved July 26, 2007

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