Varick Planning Board August 2007

Varick Planning Board August 2007

Varick Planning Board
August 23, 2007

Meeting called to order: 7:05pm

Attendees: Thomas Bjorkman(Chairman), Bill Larzelere, Frankie Long, Larry Peterson,
Absent: Annie Bachman, Kevin Swartley, Bob Kayser

The July meeting minutes were approved .

The following discussion was on an effort to develop a coordinated Docks and Moorings ordinance between the various towns in the Cayuga and Seneca Lake watersheds

The initial discussions will probably be between Varick, Ovid, Romulus and Fayette and be focused on the Cayuga Lake shoreline.

The Cayuga Lake Watershed Staff will be paid to facilitate the group effort.
Volunteers from the Towns are going to be solicited to serve on a committee. Suggestions for people are welcomed.

The next topic was a report on the draft Dog Ordinance presented to the Varick Town Board
John Vincent (town dog control officer) was present.
After reading and discussing the ordinance, the Board took no action to adopt the ordinance.
Approved Kennels must follow Ag and Markets rules and regulations for their operation.
Art Sherman (local veterinarian) will meet with Joan Teichner (Town Supervisor) to discuss the ordinance and his recommendations of issues related to vicious dog behavior.

The next topic was a discussion on the status of the new Zoning Code the Planning Board has been working on.
Harriet Haynes (Seneca County planner) has read the new code and likes the changes. She likes the separation of the districts.
She suggests that 7/10ths of an acre is small for a building lot in the Ag and Rural district because of the code requirements for being able to have enough space for two septic fields on the property and distance from the water well. Her suggestion was 1 acre lots.

Existing lot sizes and setbacks will be grandfathered and people applying for permits will work with the Zoning Board of Appeals to come up with acceptable sizes and setbacks when changing their land usages.

Harriet suggested a Bulk Table for all the setbacks, standards,etc. for the various Districts so a person could look at one table and find all the pertinent development information. Thomas will reformat for the final draft.

A map of the new Zoning Code Districts is needed to be included in the document. Greater Finger Lakes Planning Council has the capabilities to do this. A motion was made by Frankie Long to contract with this group to create a map of the new Districts in the Town of Varick. It was seconded by Larry Peterson and the vote was unanimous. Thomas will arrange.

Thomas would like to have a Public Hearing on the new Zoning Code before the October meeting of the Town Board. He also would like Planning Board members to go over the new code with individual board members before the public hearing to answer any questions and assure their support. After discussion, it was agreed when Thomas gets the final draft to the Planning board members, Bill Larzelere will meet with Kurt Karlsen, Frankie Long and Larry Peterson will meet with Jeff Case, Thomas Bjorkman will meet with Joan Teichner and Kathy Russo and Thomas will ask Annie Bachman to meet with Dick Peterson.

Thomas would also like Planning Board members to line up support people that would be willing to say a few words in support of the new Zoning Code effort.

The next meeting was scheduled for September 27th 2007 in the Varick Fire Hall.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Bill Larzelere

Approved Sept. 27, 2007

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