Varick Planning Board September 2007


Varick Planning Board September 2007

Town of Varick
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2007

Meeting called to order: 7:05pm

Attendees: Thomas Bjorkman (Chairman), Bob Kayser, Bill Larzelere, Larry Peterson,
Absent: Annie Bachman, Kevin Swartley, Frankie Long,

The August meeting minutes were approved.

• Bob Kayser and his wife agreed to be on the Lake Moorings and Docks committee.

• Change of property to commercial use: Carl Stuck –owner asked for his property on Rt. 96 (Old Garlick’s store) to be returned from residential to commercial use. He has a lawyer and a flooring business that want to use the building. Bob Kayser moved to accept the change, Bill Larzelere seconded. Passed unanimously.

• Frankie Long and Larry Peterson had visited Jeff Case about the changes to the Zoning code. They found him generally positive, and grateful for the amount of work. Had a couple of questions and concerns.

• Section 303 Lakeshore residential paragraph C-12 – Mobile home- remove “12 ft. width” requirement to make consistent with other references in the code. Approved
• Discussion-clarification of “grandfathering”.

  • Non-conforming usages of properties will not be conveyed upon sale.
  • Non-conforming lot sizes can be conveyed upon sale, but new use restrictions of code must be adhered to by new owner.
  • Non-conforming structures are grandfathered under general development standards but must be brought up to general maintenance, health and safety codes.

• Seasonal use of travel trailers

  • Seasonal is defined as a period of 8 months. There will also be “zero discharge” from the trailer during the period of use.
  • Permanently Placed- More than 8 months and then must meet, permitting, setbacks and zero discharge (same as camp language).

• Common Access Sites- Lakeshore Zone

  • Issues for such areas are noise, storage, parking on road, open fires, zero waste discharge, lighting.
  • More discussion needed.
  • Thomas will find out what Town of Fayette uses for language to address usage of common access to lakes.

• Public Informational meeting on Zoning changes.

  • Thomas will set up time for an informational meeting in the Varick firehouse.

Next Planning Board meeting set for October 25, 2007 7:00pm. at the Varick Firehouse

Meeting ended at 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Larzelere, Secretary

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