Varick Planning Board January 24, 2008


Varick Planning Board January 24, 2008

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting: January 24, 2008

Meeting called to order: 7:00pm

Attendees: Thomas Bjorkman (Chairman ),Bob Kayser, Bill Larzelere, Frankie Long, Larry Peterson, Kevin Swartley
Absent: None ( Annie Bachman is now on Zoning Board of Appeals)

The December meeting minutes were not available for approval so approval was tabled until the next meeting.

DEC SEQR lead agency

  • Chairman Bjorkman read a letter he had received from the DEC stating its’ intent to take the Lead Agency role in the SEQR review for the proposed Sessler Development project for the Depot.
  • Restated was the fact that Sessler had put the application “on hold” for 90 days and that no action would be taken regarding SEQR until the complete and revised project was resubmitted.
  • Kevin Swartley stated that a meeting with the DEC, Seneca County, and our Board would be wise and suggested either inviting them to our next meeting or calling a special meeting to talk about the SEQR process as related to the Sessler Project. After Board discussion, it was decided to invite them to a special meeting on February 21st in the county building. Thomas Bjorkman will make the contacts and try to arrange.

    Zoning Code Revision Changes

  • Chairman Bjorkman passed out copies of the new Zoning Code Revision and noted that sections and some language had been lined out after discussion with our Town Board. This language was the parts of the code that the Town Board had questions about and objected to at the time it was presented to them for adoption. The Planning Board had agreed to revisit this language and clarify or change.
  • Chairman Bjorkman’s suggestion was that we develop and define the “intent” of the language recognizing that it was included to reflect the results of the Comprehensive Plan public surveys. Then we would work with the Town Board to develop wording that addressed the concerns.
  • Section 309.2 “A” Unregistered Vehicles: discussion of the intent was about the need to control the unsightly accumulation of unregistered vehicles and/or junk cars on properties. Our existing code has a Junk Car ordinance.
  • Section 501.2 – Non-conforming uses in Lakeshore Zone– discussion of the intent was to make sure an acceptable operation of a grandfathered business was not turned into and unacceptable operation when the business changed ownership. This could happen by increasing the footprint of the business “sprawl”, unacceptable increase in traffic based on the road conditions and/or residential character, etc. Renovation and improvement of the non-conforming business would be encouraged.
  • Section 309.2 “B”- Unused Farm Equipment– discussion of intent was to control equipment “junkyards” rather than a few pieces of unused equipment in a persons hedgerow.
  • Section 309.4 “D” and 309.5 “E” Parking of tractor trailor trucks in Lakeshore and Hamlet Zones- discussion of intent was to provide for a quiet neighborhood without restricting a persons ability to make a living. It was noted that the existing language does not exclude them, but allows for a Special Permitting process for them to park in these zones. The permit and process needs to be defined and a time limit for the permit included in the definition. Part of the process may include acceptance by the neighbors.

Section 310.3 One bay firehouse in Lakeshore Zone.- Discussion of the intent was for safety of public when operation of the trucks on a road that was not designed for large trucks traveling at higher speeds. It was recognized that a firehouse nearby is an asset to an area. If a firehouse needs to be built, all siting options should be investigated considering all the publics safety.

Plans for 2008

Chairman Bjorkman presented a few ideas for discussion for 2008

· Noise Ordinance

· Discussion with IDA about businesses that would enhance the community and developing a closer working relationship.

· Encourage Broadband Internet access in the Town

· Bob Kayser- Wind Generator ordinance that would address safety concerns without being overly restrictive.

Planning Board Reorganization

  • Chairman Bjorkman noted changes to the makeup of the Board.

    Annie Bachman will now be on the Zoning Board of Appeals
    Larry Peterson will leave the Board as his term expired and does not wish to continue.
    Kevin Swartley submitted his name to be reinstated for another term
    Thomas Bjorkman wishes to “pass the gavel” of Chairman but remain on the board.
    Two new positions will be open for appointment replacing Larry and Annie.

  • Chairman Bjorkman moved to thank Larry Peterson for many years of service and a job well done- Bob Kayser seconded- Motion passed unanimously with gratitude from all.
  • Chairman Bjorkman moved to appoint Bob Kayser the new Chairman. Frankie Long seconded- Discussion followed including possibly waiting for the new Board members to be appointed. Vote- passed unanimously – The gavel was passed to Bob for the rest of the meeting and beyond.

    Next Meeting:

    Thomas will try to arrange a February 21st meeting with the DEC, Seneca County, and our Planning Board concerning the SEQR Lead Agency role for the Sessler proposal.

    Our next regular meeting will be February 28th at 7:00pm in the Varick Firehall.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

    Minutes respectfully submitted,
    Bill Larzelere- Secretary

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