Varick Planning Board Draft meeting Minutes from Feb. 28, 2008

Varick Planning Board Draft meeting Minutes from Feb. 28, 2008

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting: February 28, 2008

Meeting called to order: 7:10pm

Attendees: Bob Kayser(Chairman ), Thomas Bjorkman, Phil Knapp, Bill Larzelere, Kevin Swartley , Miles Persing(Code Enforcement Officer)
Absent: Frankie Long

The December meeting minutes were approved as reported T.B. moved to accept, B.L. seconded
The January meeting minutes were approved as reported T.B. moved to accept, K.S. seconded.

¨ No public Comment

¨ Phil Knapp was introduced as a new Planning Board member. His reason for wanting to be a board member is to protect the rural community way of life we have and not allow development that would threaten that. His e-mail-
¨ Miles Persing was introduced as the new Zoning Code Enforcement Officer- His e-mail-

¨ Chairman Kayser noted that the “Sessler Project” had been pulled back by the Sessler group for a minimum of 90 days. Our Board will not discuss any action until it has been resubmitted to the Seneca County IDA and referred to us.

IDA-DEC-VPB Meeting Discussion
¨ Bill Larzelere noted that the best things that came out of the joint meeting was opening the lines of communication, identifying a DEC contact for permitting concerns (Lisa Porter) and the willingness of the DEC to prioritize its wetland remapping project of the Depot property to review areas identified by the IDA that should be done to move development projects along. The whole remapping project does not have to be completed before development proceeds in the remapped areas. Also noted was the willingness of the DEC to accept (after review) third party wetland remapping investigation. Board Discussion continued with reservations about the worth of third party investigation on improvement of turnaround time and who would pay for this third party.
¨ Board discussed the perceived effect of wetland remapping on ability of affected farmers to farm their land. Kevin Swartley thinking there may be significant impacts and Thomas Bjorkman thinking the effects would be minimal and be able to be negotiated with DEC.
¨ The discussion on choosing SEQR Lead Agency status was very informative and enlightening.

Zonining Code Enforcement Officer Report

Miles Persing thanked the Board for it’s support of him in his new position and agreed to attend our Planning Board meetings in the future.

¨ Two recent Building Permits have been denied because setbacks do not meet the new code regulations. One project is on the lakefront on Seneca Lake East Lake Road. The second is on Rt. 89 and is also on the lakefront (Cayuga). Miles noted that both residents were easy to work with and willing to work with the system. Both have been scheduled to come up to the Zoning Board of Appeals in its March 17th meeting.
¨ Bob Kayser commented this was a good start and thanked Miles for his diligence. He expressed hope that local contractors in the area who would take up projects would be as willing to cooperate with the new code.

Docks and Moorings Committee Report

Bob Kayser reported that the scope has changed a couple times in reference to whether the committee would try to harmonize the docks and moorings code on both lakes or do one and then the other. Originally it was both lakes, then it was just Cayuga , now it is both lakes. The next meeting will be March 26th and he is looking for a Seneca Lake volunteer to represent the Town of Varick.

Planning Agenda for 2008

¨ Revised Code Issue Clarifications: Thomas Bjorkman reported that the Town Board had decided to take no immediate action on the Code revision “issues” identified that our Board agreed to work on to find acceptable language. They would like to let the new code work “as is” for the time being and see if the identified issues become concerns that really need to be addressed.
¨ Town Broadband access: Finger Lakes Technology offered at some point in the future to be able to supply “Wi Fi” to the area. Kevin Swartley offered to ask for clarification from his contacts in FLT.
¨ Wind Power : Bob and Bill discussed the need for studying a code to protect residents from any big wind development issues without being too restrictive to local implementation by residents. It was noted that we are a rural area that could benefit from “small wind” power production.
¨ Noise ordinance: It was noted that both Fayette and Romulus have noise ordinances and would be in our interest to do similar. To do: next meeting look at these two towns ordinances.
¨ Bob Kayser will ask Bob Hayssen: If there are any planning concerns his Board would like to see us work on in 2008.

Next Meeting:

Bob Kayser noted that our Planning Board meetings had been monthly for the past several years to accomplish big goals. Since these have been met, he would like to go back to every other month meetings unless any special concerns arise. It was agreed that this would be the new schedule.

Our next regular meeting will be April 24th,2008 at 7:00pm in the Varick Firehall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted,
Bill Larzelere- Secretary

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