Varick Planning Board September 24, 2009


Varick Planning Board September 24, 2009

Town of Varick Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: September 24th, 2009

Attendees: , Todd Horton, Phil Knapp, Bill Larzelere, Linda
Masteller, Bill Squires
Absent: Thomas Bjorkman, Kevin Swartley

Also attending : Gerald Keefer and Attorney Calvin Brainard

Public Hearing for Keefer Subdivision called to order at 7:05pm by Chairman Bill Squires

Public Hearing:
Mr. Keefer and his attorney presented the Board a set of drawings for a minor subdivision of property of the estate of Elma Keefer to be sold to her three children. The property is at 708 Yale Farm Rd and is about 76 acres. There were no members of the public attending.
Chairman Squires asked the Board if there was any discussion on the Subdivision. Being none, he then asked for a motion to approve the Keefer Sub-Division. Phil Knapp made a motion to approve the Minor Sub-Division as presented. Linda Masteller seconded the motion. The vote by the Board was unanimous to pass the motion. Chairman Squires closed the Public hearing.

Regular Meeting called to order at 7:15pm:

Discussion of new Zoning Code Changes:

Chairman Squires reported he had heard nothing from the Town Board positive or negative about the Code changes. He had had copies made for each Town Board member. He was hopeful that the Board would discuss it at their next meeting and then the next step would be for them to advertize for a public hearing on the Zoning Code changes.

Squires also wanted the changes to be frozen as they are at present.

Phil Knapp brought up a problem with 309.2 “Town Wide Design Standards” The first sentence in paragraph A Unregistered Vehicles. “Notwithstanding the above restriction” Phil asked what the above restriction was. Bill Larzelere said this must have been a carryover from earlier changes and would look into it.

Phil also discussed 311.5 and raised a concern that restrictions on storage of commercial vehicles would not allow a small business owner to park his business van/truck in his driveway. Discussion following on the difference between “storage”- vs- overnight parking of business vehicles used daily. The “intent” was not to restrict the small business owners ability to conduct his business in the most convenient manner. The intent to restrict was to control the longer term storage of larger commercial vehicles that would interfere with neighbors viewshed.

Phil noted pg. 31 typing errors of 311.15 and 311.17 should be 311.1.5 and 311.1.7

Linda Masteller asked Squires if the changes should be sent on to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Chairman Squires said he did not want to until the Town Board had reviewed and commented.

Bill Squires would like to update the Zoning Compliance permit to mesh with the new Code. He will e-mail a copy of the existing permit to all the Planning Board members. The “homework” for the next meeting will be to come back with ideas to update the permit.

Phil Knapp moved to accept the Minutes from the August Planning Board meeting. Bill Squires seconded the motion. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Todd Horton moved to adjourn the meeting. Phil seconded and the meeting was closed at 7:50pm

Next Regular Meeting Date: October 22th, 2009 Varick Firehouse at 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned: at 7:50PM

Minutes Submitted By: Bill Larzelere (Secretary)

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