Varick Planning Board 11/18/10


Varick Planning Board 11/18/10

Planning Board Meeting Minutes – 11/18/10
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Bill Squires. Members present were Bill Squires, Bill Larzelere, Phil Knapp, Todd Horton, Linda Mastellar, and Barry Somerville.
Bill S opened by explaining an apparent communication gap between the Planning Board and the Town Board as one of the TB members was unaware of the progress made on the Zoning Code and a public hearing that was in place for December.
The Bed and Breakfast to be located on Yale Station Rd discussed in previous meetings seems to be on track as a new business in Varick. Bill was approached by one of the realtors about zoning code and was referred to the town website. No problems are apparent.
We then moved to discussion concerning work on the Zoning Code Permit. Linda M will put together an application form drawn from the draft of the last meeting. She will send the form in an email to each PB member for comments and review. Our goal is to have a draft ready for our January meeting so that the Town Board will be able to move on it in February. If possible, Bill S will send out a draft application to the TB so they can be informed in advance. A question was raised as to whether we need a public hearing since we will have to adopt a fee structure for permits.
Todd Horton informed us of his conversation with a Seneca County Official concerning noncompliance to the zoning code. The official was willing to come to a meeting to field questions but we did not feel this was necessary at the time. After further discussion we realized that Article VIII of the Code does cover what will happen if the code is violated.
Phil Knapp questioned the procedure of what to do if a permit is denied. It seems that a person must make application to the Board of Appeals which can be accessed at the county level. We want to contact the appropriate people to make sure that our Code and the Board of Appeals application are in compliance with each other.
Linda offered to develop the Information/Instruction sheet for building permits so that people will be able to know everything they need to do to apply. It was agreed that such a sheet would be very helpful to hand out with the application form. Linda will also devise a contact page with names and numbers of individuals who are involved with the zoning compliance permit.
Bill also mentioned that Tom B needs to be contacted to post our meeting dates through 2011. Our next meeting will be on January 27, 2011.
A call for adjournment was made by Phil K and seconded by Bill L. Meeting adjourned at 7:48.

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