PB Meeting 1/27/11

PB Meeting 1/27/11

PB minutes, 1/27/11
Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Bill Squires. Members present were Bill S, Linda M, Bill L, Tom B, Phil K, and Barry S.
A motion was made by Bill L and seconded by Phil K to accept the minutes from the November meeting. The motion was carried.
The first item of business involved a proposed pottery business to be located at 5391 SR 89 and operated by Keith and Laura Perry. A mistake was made in the request for a building permit. Bill S will send Paul Conroy and the Perry’s a note explaining the PB concerns about compliance to the zoning code especially in regard to off road parking. Otherwise there is no problem in moving forward with this enterprise in the opinion of the PB.
The second issue of business involves a proposed building project by contractor Greg McNeely who owns an eight acre tract on E. Lake Road. He would like to build six homes on the east side of the road and six boat slips on the lake. This would not be subdivided since it is going to be owned by a home owners association. The homes are owned by the buyer, but the land belongs to the association. Discussion centered on such a plan subverting the current zoning code. It was suggested that this might set a precedent for future development that current property owners would not support. The purpose of the code in the Lake area is to curb over development and relieve congestion. Does this plan encourage what the PB and residents have been trying to reduce?
Upon observing the Use Table (Item 308 on page 16 of Zoning Code), it was determined that the proposed plan would not be acceptable. More information as to the lost measurements is necessary to make a final decision. This may fall under a planned unit development but currently seems to be a multi-family dwelling which is not permitted under the code. However, there are other options that might make this plan work. Bill Squires will send Greg a letter citing our concerns and asking for more precise measurements of the property (perhaps a copy of the plat). Before he sends this letter it will be circulated to the members of PB for approval.
Our final item of business was approval of the Zoning Code Permit under revision by Linda M. A final revision was agreed upon which Linda will type up and send to PB members. A copy will also be forwarded to Paul Conroy for input. The final draft will be sent to the Town Board for approval before their meeting in March.
A fee schedule for the above permit was also discussed. Suggestions involved smaller fees for small projects, larger fees for larger projects, and fees related to the dollar cost of the project. We concluded that it might be best to meet with Paul Conroy and get his input on developing a fee structure. The purpose of this is to present suggestions to the Town Board in setting fees. The board agreed that lower fees would encourage more building projects.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Linda M and seconded by Phil K. We adjourned at 9:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville

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