Varick Planning Board 6/28/12


Varick Planning Board 6/28/12

Approved Copy – Planning Board Meeting, 6/28/12.
Meeting was called to order at
7:04 by Tom B who filled in as temporary Chairperson. All present except Bill
Squires and Linda M (who attended later).
The minutes to the previous
meeting were accepted – motion made by Todd H, seconded by Phil K.
We addressed a revision of the
March 22 minutes concerning suggestions made by Jeff Hogue (ZBA chair) about
our definition of “structures.” It was agreed that I (Barry S) would contact
Jeff and make sure that the minutes correctly reflect his statements.
The purpose of our meeting was to
address items compiled previously in a five point agenda. These included
checking on regulations and procedures regarding the issuing of special use
permits; review of the code concerning dog kennels, breeding, etc.; developing
zoning code regulations concerning Planned Unit Development; reviewing the
issue of nonpublic schools; and the allowance or regulation of hydraulic
We discussed the hydrofracking
issue and determined that we need to develop our code beyond that which already
exists under gas wells. However, this is going to take some time and we would
like to see how other towns are handling the situation. We do not want to be
reactive but proactive, so we will deal with this issue in the near future.
An area that we do need to deal
with immediately is P.U. D.’s. We do not believe our wording in the current
code covers this sufficiently. It was recommended that we call for a moratorium
on the issue. The following motion was made by Tom B – “The PB recommends that
the TB initiate a six month moratorium for the purpose of developing
appropriate zoning code for Public Unit Development.” The motion was seconded
by Linda M and supported by all. It was further determined that each member be
assigned a geographical area in the state to find definitions and zoning
regulations concerning P.U. D.’s covered in other towns. We will begin work on
this at the next meeting.
We briefly discussed current code
on dog breeding, boarding, etc. facilities. We believe the code is sufficient;
however, members will review it for the next meeting and address changes if
deemed necessary.
We are also still concerned about
procedures involving special use permits, setbacks, and area variances. We
believe the code may not quite be sufficient and are concerned that our
procedure stands by current state and local code. We feel that we handled the
Verizon Cell Tower permit properly, but we want to make any future issues of
this nature to run more smoothly. Therefore, we are going to investigate
section 404.2 and 3 in our code and check state and town laws concerning
regulations and responsibilities of all those involved in granting permits and
dealing with variance issues.
We did not discuss the nonpublic
school issue in depth. We realize this is an area we need to research and
discuss further. It is still an item on our agenda.
Jenny McWhorter, a peace officer
with the Seneca County S.P.C.A, was present at our meeting. She informed us of
her desire to purchase land from Carl Stuck near the corner of Yale Station Rd
and Rt. 96a for a facility to house and care for rescued animals (usually dogs
or cats). We informed her that the current property would not meet setbacks if
a new building were constructed. She should contact appropriate authorities to
determine the exact measurements of the parcel. If she wants to proceed with
the purchase she needs to apply for a special use permit. That procedure will
include a review by the ZBA concerning the setbacks. She seemed to be pleased
by our suggestions and will proceed with the advice given.
Todd Horton suggested that we
contact the TB about two issues. First, was a special use permit granted to
Verizon for constructing their cell tower; second, was the town resolution made
in February concerning this issue ever rescinded. We were able to address the
TB immediately. A permit was granted and presented to Verizon on June 8. The
resolution has yet to be rescinded but will be in the near future.
We set up the following agenda to
begin at our next meeting; 1) Deal with any strengthening of the code
concerning dog kennels, etc. 2) Begin work on the P.U. D. aspect of the code,
3)If time allows, review regulations and procedures for special use permits,
4)Develop zoning policy concerning nonpublic schools, 5) Develop zoning
requirements for hydrofracking.
Our next meeting will be on July
26, 2012.
A motion was made to adjourn by
Linda M, seconded by Tom B. Meeting closed at 9:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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