Approved Minutes 9/27/12

Approved Minutes 9/27/12

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm. Those present: Tom B, Linda M, Phil
K, Barry S. Tom acted as chair since Bill S has resigned.
Minutes from the previous two meetings were approved. Linda moved to
accept minutes for the 7/26 meeting; Phil seconded, minutes approved with
change in Donna Karlsen’s name. For the 8/23 meeting Phil moved to approve the
minutes, Tom seconded, motion passed.
There are two openings to serve on the PB. We need to elect a new chair
person. Linda moved that we place Todd H as the interim chairman until new
members come on the board. Phil seconded and the motion was approved.
We then discussed the need to improve the zoning code specifications
for special use permits and area variances. The board holds that the ZB is
responsible to take care of variances but needs more latitude within the code
to help them make appropriate decisions. It was also suggested that we need to
create an intent paragraph and outline the procedure for obtaining permits. All
permits should be submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer who will inform the
applicant if they need to obtain a variance or special use permit. He will
direct them to the appropriate board when necessary. The PB will rewrite code
that will include these items to help those who seek permits know exactly what
they need to do.
The board also thinks it would be a good idea to peruse the current
code to see if there are any other areas that could be improved by adding an
intent paragraph. This is a project we will undertake when new appointees join
the board.
It was also suggested that we should address the use of wind energy in
the town since two windmills have been constructed in Geneva.
At our next meeting we are going to review code language in regard to
PUD’s that we have retrieved from other town codes. Our starting point will be
Fayette and Aurelius since they are most pertinent to the needs of Varick.
Our next meeting will be on Oct. 25. A motion for adjournment was made
by Linda, seconded by Phil, and approved. Meeting closed at 8:18.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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