Approved Copy Special Meeting 12/13/12

Approved Copy Special Meeting 12/13/12

PB Special Meeting – 12/13/12
Meeting called to order by Todd H at 5:00 pm. Members present: Phil
Knapp, Bill Squires, Todd Horton, Linda Mastellar, Tom Bjorkman, Barry
Somerville. Bob Hayssen and Larry Colton were also present.
The purpose of our meeting was to receive information concerning North
East Freight Transfer using the old Seneca Army Depot as a freight transfer
station. Material comes in by rail and ships out by truck. Access to the use
area is at the SW corner of the depot in the town of Varick with access to 96a. The company needs
town permission to use this area for the above purpose. However, that part of
the town is in the conservation zone which does not allow such use. A special
use permit cannot be granted.
Tim H met with members of NE Freight and Bob Hayssen to discuss the
situation and see what we can do to accommodate the business use of this
section of Varick. The company seems to be legitimate and want to operate
within the parameters of the law. Rather than issue a cease and desist order
the PB and TB would like to consider modifying the zoning code to make this
area available for NE Freight’s needs.
It was decided that Larry C will write a letter to the company
informing them of our intent not to issue a cease and desist order and that we
will work on amending the code. However, this will take some time and they need
to know that if they continue with infrastructure repairs and construction they
may be at risk of losing their investment.
Todd is going to try to set up a meeting with members of the NE Freight,
town officials, and PB to visit the site so we understand the layout of the
zoning area in question. This will help us have a visual idea of what structures,
roads, railway, etc are involved.
Larry C asked the board if there were any restrictions on the property
at the SW corner of Rte. 96a and Yale Station Rd being used as residential
property v. commercial. He told an interested buyer that they would have to
prove there were no underground tanks present since it used to be an old gas
station. Otherwise it could be sold for residential use.
Larry also informed us of an area variance granted at a residence on
Cayuga St in Romulus to allow a new trailer to replace an old one without
having to construct a concrete pad.
At our next meeting (Jan. 3) we will discuss the moratorium issue for
PUD’s. We will also deal with who is to serve as interim in the absence of the
Zoning Code officer.
This is Phil Knapp’s last meeting. Members of the PB thanked him for
his valuable input on the board for the last five years. We appreciate his
involvement and faithfulness as a member of the board.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm, motion made by Tom, seconded by Phil, all
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville

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