Approved PB Minutes 3/28/13

Approved PB Minutes 3/28/13

Approved Copy PB Minutes 3/28/13
Meeting opened at 7:08, all members were present.
Previous minutes were approved – motion by Linda M, second
by Dave K, motion carried.
We first met with family members concerned with the sale of
property adjacent to them on Seneca Lake. It is listed as a buildable lot which
was questioned by the family. They were also concerned about how any building
would affect an underground drainage pipe that borders the properties. The PB
related zoning info pertinent to the lot. It seems it is not actually large
enough to build a permanent structure. The issue will be referred to the code
enforcement officer and town attorney.
Todd informed the board about our committee meeting with the
Romulus PB committee concerning zoning issues in the Seneca Army Depot. They
have similar thoughts about the possibilities of development on this land and
how it may impact new tax revenues. Todd produced a map of the depot with current
and possible uses for certain areas. Opening County Rd 135 and fencing one or
both sides was discussed. Mr. Aronson is going to meet with the Romulus
committee to devise a usage map for them. A couple more committee meetings are
We then discussed our priorities for zoning needs over the
next six months. The consensus of the board is to work immediately on
designating and defining a small portion of the depot in the SE corner that NE
Freight is currently using. It is our goal to geographically map this area,
designate allowed uses, define what is not allowed and protect the values
important to the community. Our goal is to have this accomplished by the June
meeting and move it forward for a public hearing.
When this goal is accomplished we will turn our attention to
completing the section on PUD’s. This should not take more than three meetings.
From that point we will move on to reconsider zoning in regard to the old army
For homework board members are to research zoning
information that would be comparable to the depot area we would like to rezone.
Some suggested towns were Geneva, Windsor, and the Corning area. Our goal is to
integrate light industry, transportation, and rail enterprises without
adversely impacting the conservation area of the depot.
Todd also informed the board of an upcoming educational course
in May. Four members will attend.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 – motion made by Linda, seconded
by Bill.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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