Meeting called to order 7:10PM  Members present: Todd, Hershey, Bill, Thomas, Linda, David
David Kidd took minutes in Barry Somerville’s absence.
Money, president of Seneca White Deer (SWD) gave a history of the
organization and his past involvements in environmental and conservation
efforts. The mission of SWD is to preserve the military and civilian
history of the depot and preserve the white deer herd.  He pointed out
that this is the largest white deer herd in the world.
first tours attracted 1800 people and generated $18,000 dollars in
revenue over two weekends with very little advertising. Later tours also
sold out.  He believes there is potential for a world class tourism
center.  SWD does not yet have a completed business plan.  There is no
competition in the Northeast for an attraction like SWD envisions.
New York State Open Space Plan is a dedicated fund for preservation of
space for people and wildlife and is a potential source of funding for
development.  Based on 44,000 visitors a year at Sampson, SWD estimated
half that for the first year generating one million dollars in revenue.
possible solution to the cost of maintaining the fence is for
individuals to buy a section of the fence and have their name
memorialized on it. Questions of conservation vs. tax revenue were
raised along with co-use of property. SWD is open to co-use. Money
referred to PILOT Payment in Lieu of Taxes as SWD’s intention for the
facility to provide revenue from operations. He anticipates 35 jobs
June-Oct. in first two years.   Deer management could partly be funded
by a lottery for hunting permits.  $400-500 thousand dollars is
generated this way to manage Elk in Pa. 
Colton presented a letter from Heaton and Venuti, attorneys for Gregory
Cool, who plans to purchase property at 1090 Yale Farm Rd. The letter
raised the question of approval to subdivide a parcel of the original
property that had taken place in 2010.  Todd Horton indicated that the
subdivision created a landlocked tax parcel and had not been approved.
The situation will need to be rectified.
Squires asked Larry about a shed Kelsey’s planned to build on the
lakefront along East Lake Rd.  The structure will require piers.
is waiting to hear from the Romulus board regarding cooperation on
securing outside help to rezone the depot area. There are grants from
the state for this but the deadline to apply is Aug. 14th. We need to
know if Romulus is on board before proceeding. 
Todd pointed out that we our job is zoning and cautioned that we may be over thinking our role.
There was discussion of heavy bus traffic at times on East Lake Rd. from the Mormon camp and grain trucks. 
Bill Squires moved to close the meeting, second by Todd.  Adjourned at 8:53PM 
Respectfully submitted,
David Kidd