PB minutes 2/27/14

PB minutes 2/27/14

Draft Copy PB Minutes 2/27/14
Meeting opened at 7 pm, all members present.
Previous minutes were read. Tom mentioned one sentence
needed to be changed. The following sentence in the PUD paragraph – Residential
is allowed in this area but we believe it is inappropriate for PUD development
– should read – This area is inappropriate for PUD development. Tom moved to
approve minutes with this change, Hershey seconded, all approved.
Todd shared changes that were made to the Depot Zoning map
that extends some of the AR areas. This was accomplished in the ad hoc
committee meeting just prior to our PB meeting.
We put off work on PUD’s to work more on the depot rezoning
project. Information from the ad hoc committee was forwarded to us via email.
We are to review this info and be ready to finish up our input at the next PB
We were presented with the Town of Romulus application for
special use permits. We read through the document and made appropriate changes
to adopt for the Town of Varick. Todd wrote down revisions that were made and
Linda will work on rewriting them for Varick’s special use permit. We also used
Addendum A and the Agricultural Data Statement. Only minor changes are needed
in these documents.
Our homework for next meeting is to thoroughly review the
documents received from Barbara Johnson and the ad hoc zoning committee. We
especially need to focus on the definitions section and special use criteria.
Our next meeting will be held 3/13/14 at 6:00 pm to finalize language on these
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm, motion made by Linda,
seconded by Tom.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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