PB Minutes 6/26/14

Meeting opened at 7:15 – members present were Todd, Hershey,
Linda, and Barry.

The minutes from the May meeting could not be read as the
secretary’s computer was down and the notes could not be retrieved. They will
be reviewed at the July meeting.

Todd informed the board that the Seneca County Planning
Board has resolved that zoning for the depot in the Town of Varick will be
solely under local jurisdiction.

It was decided that the PB would compose a letter to the
Varick TB about depot property returning to town ownership. A motion was made
by Hershey, seconded by Barry and passed by all. Linda drafted a letter
expressing our desire as a board that the Town Board begin proceedings to
acquire depot lands and open County Road 135 in conjunction with zoning
approval and town legal counsel.

No other business was conducted in regard to PUD’s. Our hope
is to finish this language in the next session.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:15 by Barry, seconded by
Hershey. Next meeting is July 24.

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Somerville, secretary

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