Varick Planning Board 5/22/14


Varick Planning Board 5/22/14

PB minutes 5/22/14
Meeting called to order at 7:30 with Tom sitting in as
chairperson. Members present were Linda, Dave, Tom and Barry.
Minutes from April 24 were approved, motion made by Linda,
seconded by Dave. It was noted that the March minutes were emailed to Todd and
not yet approved.
We discussed a few areas of the revised proposal for depot
zoning that was forwarded to some of the members from Barbara Johnston. We
specified that Green Energy such as wind, solar, and biomass(?) was included in
the WITE area of the depot. We agreed that these should be listed in the code
and add necessary requirements for wind mills.
Tom read a section listing restrictions for special uses in
the depot from the above revised proposal. We agreed that these seemed
appropriate and well written.
 We also decided that
we should the Conservation area to Conservation and Recreation. Tom will notify
Barbara of these changes.
Dave asked what the procedure was for final approval of the
depot zoning. It is believed that we need to forward the proposal to the county
planning board. There are also SEQRA requirements. We decided to let Todd find
out the next step in the procedure. We will also forward a copy to the TB for
their perusal and information. There will need to be a public hearing and final
approval by the TB to adopt the new code.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30, motion made by Dave and seconded
by Linda.
Next meeting will be on June 26.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville,secretary

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