PB Meeting 5/28/15

PB Meeting 5/28/15
Meeting called to order at 7:07. Members present – Tom,
Linda, Bill, Dave, Barry, Rich.
Previous minutes from 5/11 reviewed and accepted – motion
made by Tom, second by Bill.
We reviewed resolutions emailed by Barbara J for a public hearing
to be used by the Town Board at their next meeting on June 2.
We set up a screen to review all our work on Subdivision
regulations. We decided to delete all unnecessary comments such as grammatical
errors, but keep all comments pertaining to changes or additions made in the
actual code. These were placed in the margins for TB review.
It was suggested that we add a hyper-link for the fee
schedule so the TB would be able to update or change fees in the future.
We also need to ask Barb to place Vehicle Sales back into
the definitions section which was somehow deleted from the Zoning Code. This
will be forwarded to Donna K. with finalized form of Subdivision Regulations to
be presented to the TB.
Steps to be taken leading to public hearing and final approval
by TB:
1. Barb sends Zoning Code changes to Linda in PDF form so
that it cannot be modified.
2. Rich will format Subdivision Code Regulations to PDF and
forward to Linda.
3. Tom made a motion for Linda to forward these documents to
Donna K. for presentation and review by TB, Barry seconded, all in favor.
4. Tom and other members of the planning board will be
present at the TB meeting on 6/2/15 to explain purpose of cluster development
and subdivision regulations.
5. TB will call for a public hearing in July, hopefully make
final decision at some point after that (July or August).
Meeting adjourned at 9:02, motion made by Dave, second by
Respectfully submitted,
Barry Somerville, secretary

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