Varick Planning Board 10/5/17


Varick Planning Board 10/5/17

Varick Planning Board
October 5, 2017
Called to order 7:03 pm
Present: Rich
Olsen, Frankie Long, Linda Mastellar, Thomas Björkman, David Kidd, Hershey
August Minutes approved. David Kidd moved, Frankie second, all
in favor.
Sarah Haws presented subdivision proposal. For subdividing
approx. 1 acre from approx. 50 acres in Parcel 12-1-45.1 at Kings Corners Rd.
Public Hearing opened at 7:15. Nobody was present to
comment. Closed at 7:15. 
The board found that all requirements were met, and the
proposal had been reviewed and approved by the Seneca County Planning Board
with no conditions.
Approval subdivision of Parcel
12-1-45.1 as proposed.
This subdivision is exempt from
SEQR approval according to NYS Code of Rules and Regulations – 6CR-NY 617.5 (c)
Moved by Thomas Björkman; Seconded by Rich Olsen. Passed 6-0.
Haws will bring additional copies for filing.
Craig Sessler provided a revised proposal for new
subdivision of 1-3-16.1 on map of August 17, 2017. Proposal creates two
nonconforming lots and cannot be approved. Recommendation is to join them with
two adjacent parcels so that new lots are closer to conforming that the
existing ones.
A correspondent raised issues generated by short-term
rentals on lakeshore.  The principal
issues were noise and parking, which are more disruptive with short-term
renters than steady neighbors. The discussion identified excessive noise and
parking on the street as the direct issues. There was interest in having
ordinances that deal with those issues specifically, rather than having them
incidental to rentals. Those may not be zoning issues, but must be separate
ordinances that would then be enforced by the Seneca County Sheriff. That would
be more efficient for dealing quickly with these issues that require it. It is
more likely to be a problem on the lakeshore, but could apply anywhere in the
Town. Thus the rules should apply town-wide. See if Harriet Hayne has
suggestions. Also ask her whether other towns are developing short-term rental
zoning. Linda Mastellar will ask the town board to act on these.
Reviewed subdivision application. A good draft was provided
by Rich based on previous discussion, and compared with checklist used by the
Town of Conesus.
Motion: Adopt the Subdivision Application form and put it on
the web immediately.
Moved by Linda Mastellar Seconded Hershey Sensenig. Approved 6-0.
Linda Mastellar will investigate how the Town organizes filed
subdivision maps.
Adjournment: Moved by Hershey Sensenig, Seconded by Linda
Mastellar, Approved 6-0.
Adjourned 9:02 pm.

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