Varick Planning Board Jan 25, 2018


Varick Planning Board Jan 25, 2018

Varick Planning Board
January 25, 2018 (No meeting was held in December 2017)
Called to order 7:00pm
Present: Frankie Long, Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman, Linda Mastellar.
Absent: Hershey Sensenig, David Kidd. One vacancy. 
A quorum is present.
Mastellar continues as chair, Björkman is appointed secretary, replacing retiring Barry Somerville.
Minutes approval for November 2017. 
Moved by Mastellar, Seconded by Long. Approved 4-0.
Carey Subdivision, Lot 10-3-10  
Varick Zoning Board of Appeals approved division into two parcels of 0.685 acres with an access easement for the upper parcel. County Planning Board recommends approval. Approved and signed by chair Mastellar.
Young Subdivision, 10-4-1.11 
Surveyor Dave Hanley representing Suzanne Young estate. Propose dividing into two lots, each 117.5 ft wide. We determined that this is a minor subdivision. Lots meet the requirements in the subdivision code. We will schedule a public hearing for February 22, 2018. County planning board can review the application at their next meeting; they will need SEQR EAF form and agricultural data statement in addition to the application and map. Property is on East Lake Rd near Kennedy, but more than 500 feet from Romulus town line. Fee was paid.
Motion: We determine that the Young subdivision is a minor subdivision and provide preliminary approval of the subdivision. Moved: Björkman, Second Mastellar, approved 4-0.
Björkman will send our subdivision procedure checklist to Harriet for her comment.
Subdivision record keeping. 
The board reviewed a new subdivision record-keeping spreadsheet that Rich Olsen developed on Google Sheets. A script makes for easy record entry. The spreadsheet allows easy search, review and updating. A vertical view page is valuable when we are working with a specific subdivision application.
Adjourn 8:55pm Moved: Mastellar, Second: Björkman 4-0

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