Varick Planning Board May 24, 2018


Varick Planning Board May 24, 2018

Varick Planning Board
May 24, 2018
Called to order 7:04
Present: Linda Mastellar (Chair), Frankie Long, Hershey Sensenig,
Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman (Secty).  Absent:
David Kidd, excused, one vacancy.
Also: Bill Yale.
Minutes approved: Moved by Sensenig, Second by Olsen.  All in favor.
Conversation with potential Planning board member Bill Yale.
Memorial cemetery..5 years ago.  Several
years ago to 96A in Varick. Expect to retire here and learn more and give back.
Have time.
Town board meeting report.
Rich, Linda and Hershey attended the  workshop. Super useful. Better presentation.
Roles, variances; zany zoning codes by Steinmetz Planning Group.
Define all terms, they may be ambiguous or
become outdated.
Every district needs a purpose statement that
shows the intent, that you go back to when there is a question.
If a comprehensive plan is updated, the zoning
code must be updated immediately afterwards to conform with the plan changes.
Signage restrictions can’t be based on language
on sign or the type of business (must be by district instead). Can make them
safe, no bigger than necessary. Time place and manner of speech can be regulated, whereas content
Remove any unnecessary review criteria.
Use tables and graphics as much as usual.
Corey Auerbach (of Barclay Damon), Variances and limitations
A use variance goes with the property. (Can’t
Variance does not change zoning, does not create
a precedent for other properties seeking similar variances.
For a use variance, the criteria for meeting the
tests are very strict. Area variances have more discretion by the ZBA.
Electric vehicle charging stations have State
tax incentive for installation to increase facilities.
Power generation was covered, but speaker from
NYS government did not want to discuss proposed trash to power plant in
Power-plant proposer must pay the cost of
government checking information in proposal.
Transmission lines. State can overwrite
unreasonable local codes.
Community choice aggregation. Town contracts for
power for the whole town, essentially acts as an ESCO. Want to get green
energy, or NYS-generated energy (4-5c/kwh). The Town Board would have to do
Planning Board overview
Designed for introduction, but was an excellent
Dale Allen. Preliminary discussion about lot line shift of
40 acres between two farms. No problems noted. Will expect application.
Code Enforcement Officer. We should be getting regular
reports under the code, but we have not. Linda Mastellar will ask him to come
to the next several so that we can realign.
Fayette Local Law 2. They are updating their code and they
are requesting our comment under SEQR. See an online version at  It addresses , new beverage business like
cidery, brewery, distillery; solar and wind installations; and vacation
rentals. Comment was due by April 18.
Zoning Code Revisions: Trash language at town board. Board
members liked our concepts in March, and we have code ready for the town board.
Björkman will ask Donna Karlsen to schedule a public hearing and vote at July 3(11?)
Town Board meeting, and to put a presentation on the June 5 agenda which
Björkman will attend.
Move to adjourn Hershey Sensenig,
Second Rich Olsen. Adjourned 8:39 pm.

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