Varick Planning Board April 26, 2018


Varick Planning Board April 26, 2018

Varick Planning Board
April 26, 2018
Called to order 7:04
Present: Linda Mastellar (Chair), Frankie Long, Hershey Sensenig,
Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman (Secty). 
Also Brian Zerges.
Minutes approved: Moved by Sensenig, Second by Olsen.  All in favor.
Town board meeting report. Supervisor Hayssen was absent. No
comment on the details, but a general sense of support. Attorney reminded about
SEQR process. We should move ahead.
The state legislature is currently moving to change the
Article 10 rule to eliminate trash incinerators as power plants.
Vacation rental. Resident concerns have motivated us revisit
this issue, as the rental market increases with greater online reservation
resources. Our goal is to help people be good neighbors. Fayette is working on
legislation, they shared a draft with Frankie. Brian Zerges, a property manager
and lake resident, commented on issues. Licenses have been a fairly effective,
since the license is revoked if tenants violate regulation. The goal is to
manage number of visitors, noise and parking. The Town of Jerusalem is working
on it, but the town administration hopes that Yates County will administer
licensing county-wide. That town has lakeshore on Seneca, Canandaigua and Keuka
Lakes. There is already a county process, which is used to handle lodging tax.
He suggested piggybacking on that process in Seneca County. 
In his experience, municipal enforcement is valuable when
guests take advantage of individual owners. Zerges gave an example from Milo, where
some rental owners were not supervising their guests. Milo indicated that they
would enact a law if it didn’t clean up.
A noise and parking ordinance would be a good tool for the
direct problems. We have discussed this before. Having a county ordinance would
be preferable to a town ordinance.
Anticipating having too many absentee owners to maintain a
sense of community among the year-round residents, it might be helpful to have
a limit on the number of licenses in a given area. Determining the criteria for
keeping a license is our key assignment. Check other municipalities.
Developed code language (attached) based on last month’s principles
(bulleted list in March 2018 minutes)
Each idea needs to be addressed in the following places in
the code
Definition (107)
Determination of Allowed, Conditional, Special
Use, or Prohibited in each Zoning District in the Use Table (308).
If Conditional or Special Use, the specific
conditions or requirements in 310 or 311.
Some uses that are treated equally
everywhere may also be addressed in 309, General Design Standards.
Also add to the proposed code changes the typos and
temporary dock language that we developed last year.
Send the proposed code to the Town Board for their
information and consideration, schedule public meeting for adoption and SEQR on
June 6, any comments for us to address in May. We’ll add other things on the to
do list.
Move to adjourn Hershey Sensenig,
Second Frankie Long. Adjourned 9:14pm.

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