Varick Planning Board June 28, 2018


Varick Planning Board June 28, 2018

Varick Planning Board
June 28, 2018

Called to order 7:10 pm
Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), Frankie Long, Hershey
Sensenig, Rich Olsen, Thomas Björkman (Secretary)

Minutes approved. Moved Sensenig, Second Long. All in favor.

Code revisions. Discussed additions to code revisions requested by Town
Board related to Waste-to-Energy clarification (cite 6 NYCRR §362) and
allowance for process water generation (specify transloading, processing and
disposal in Use Table.
Björkman will make edits and distribute to members, and then
forward to Town Clerk.

Lot line adjustment. Dale Allen.  Parcel 14-1-20.11 on Town Line Rd to transfer
40 ac to neighbor leaving two large lots. All requirements were met. Accepted
sketch plan in lieu of survey map. Moved Björkman, Second Sensenig 4 Aye 1

Mastellar will check with county planning  to see what records they would like.

Code Enforcement. Mastellar will request copies of Code Enforcement report and

Adjourn. Move to adjourn: Sensenig, Second Long. Adjourned 8:10 pm.


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