Varick Planning Board, January 24, 2019


Varick Planning Board, January 24, 2019

Varick Planning Board
January 24, 2019
Called to order at 7:00 pm
Present: : Linda Mastellar (Chair), Michele Hermann, Hershey Sensenig, Thomas Björkman (Secty). Absent: Rich Olsen, Frankie Long, excused. One vacancy.
November Minutes approved with minor changes 3-0
Member changes. David Kidd resigned.
Bill Yale resigned due to other commitments. 
Michele Herman was appointed by the Town Board to fill David Kidd’s seat. Thomas Björkman was reappointed. 
Sylvester Brown subdivision. Received signed documents, and will send them to the county.
 Public hearing opened at 7:05, closed 7:06 No comments. 
Hogue subdivision. The board accepted the sketch plan for a subdivision of lot 10-4-25 and adjacent. (Motion by Björkman, second by Sensenig, passed 4-0). We classified it as a Minor Subdivision. The proposal is to turn three lots on East Lake Road, currently 60, 55 and 55 ft wide into two lots, 100 and 70 ft wide.  That change brings them closer to compliant, and is viewed favorably by the board. The application needs an Environmental Assessment Form and an Agricultural Data Statement before we can proceed. Thereafter we can forward the application to the county and schedule a public hearing for February 28.
Jim Brown subdivision.The board accepted the sketch plan for a lot line move from parcels 04-01-2.11 to 04-01-2.2 on the Fayette-Varick Townline Rd. (Motion by Björkman, second by Mastllar, passed 4-0)The proposal isto add 26 ft  to a current lot that is currently 200 ft wide. The piece will be removed from a large parcel with many hundred feet of frontage.We received the application with the Environmental Assessment Form and Agricultural Data Statement. We will forward it the county and schedule a public hearing for February 28.
Romulus Presbyterian Church.  Prospective buyer wants to know whether the former church could be used as a wedding and event venue. Referred to Zoning Code on churches and restaurants in the Hamlet district.
BQ Energy. Provided additional information, but do not have a code recommendation at this time. They would like a joint meeting with the town board.
Adjourned at 8:58 pm

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