Varick Planning Board March 28, 2019


Varick Planning Board March 28, 2019

Varick Planning Board
March 28, 2019
Called to order at 7:00 pm
Present: : Linda Mastellar (Chair), Michele Hermann, , Frankie Long, Thomas Björkman (Secty),  Hershey Sensenig, Rich Olsen, excused. One vacancy.
Guests: Mark Fuentes with AT&T, Art Sherman, Tim Dorn
January Minutes approved 4-0 Moved by Mastellar, Second Long
February, with one correction, approved 4-0 Moved by Mastellar, Second by Hermann
Special use permit for cell tower. Information was sent to county, but we didn’t hear back. Will schedule public hearing as soon as possible, Donna will advertise. AT&T would like to install antennas before an osprey nests on tower. 
Will want a letter of credit filed for removal.
Sherman subdivision. Submitted sketch plan of a lot-line move on East Lake Rd. Proposal to move lot line to make 147 ft lot 100 ft, and 150 ft lot 197.  (Mastellar is a neighbor) From lot 6-2.02 to lot 6-2.01. No issues were detected. We submit to the county for review. Can hold public hearing at next meeting. No SEQR is anticipated.  All documents were in order (application, EAF, Ag Data Statement, fee), Moved Olsen, Second Mastellar, passed 6-0)
Move next meeting to April 18. Publish in Reveille along with Public Hearing ad. 
We will develop solar language for our zoning code based on the Olean code at the April meeting.
We will check that subdivision proposals that were denied have not been filed.
Adjournment moved by Sensenig,  Second by Olsen. Passed 6-0
Adjourned 8:56 pm

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