Varick Planning Board August 27, 2020


Varick Planning Board August 27, 2020


Varick Planning Board

August 27, 2020

Called to order at 7:00 pm

Present: Linda Mastellar
(chair), Rich Olsen (via Zoom), Frankie Long, Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via
Zoom), Absent: Michele Hermann, Hershey Sensenig, one vacancy.
Guests: Annie Bachman, Neil and Lisa Olver, Sarah Abernethy.


Bachman Subdivision. Accepted a preliminary plat for a
minor subdivision. The proposed lot line move transfers 1.226 acres from
Lakeshore Winery (Parcel 09 – 1 – 45.1) to a residential lot (09 – 1 – 33.112)
owned by LoFaro, allowing better access to the residence. No concerns were
identified, all subdivision requirement appear to be met. Schedule a public
Moved by Björkman, Second by Olsen, passed 4-0.

Olver subdivision. Neil and Lisa Olver. Considering buying Varick
Winery and subdividing for homes. We recommended checking with County code enforcement
on what can be built on the lots between the lake and the highway given the
setbacks and topography. The dimensions and arrangement of the new parcels
appear to be consistent with our subdivision code, though a judgement can only
be made once a preliminary plat is submitted.

Cottage use question. Sarah Abernethy is considering purchasing a
property on East Lake Road and operate five existing small cabins as vacation
rentals. The main home would be a two-unit rental. She sought the Planning Board’s
assessment of the proposal.

The board reported that cottages for rent are not a permitted use in the
Lakeshore Residential district, due to congestion and neighbor-impact,
therefore this use is not an option. Parking is likely to be a challenge, and is
also an impact that the neighborhood is very sensitive to.

of July 23, 2020 approved. Moved by Olsen, second by
Mastellar, passed 4-0.

moved by Björkman, second by Long, passed 4-0
Adjourned 8:38 pm

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