Varick Planning Board December 17, 2020


Varick Planning Board December 17, 2020


Varick Planning Board

December 17, 2020 

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), Rich Olsen
(via Zoom), Michele Hermann (via Zoom), Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via Zoom),
one vacancy. 
Absent:  Frankie Long, Hershey Sensenig. 

Visitor: Tom Karlsen

Called to order 7:02 pm

Moved by Olsen, Second
by Hermann

Linda checked on some
recent subdivision filings, and they have been done correctly. Recent lot-line
moves have to be confirmed next. Both lots need to be filed simultaneously for
them to agree.

Chair Mastellar called
sheriff regarding their evaluation of the enforceability of the proposed noise
ordinance, but did not get a response.

Tom Karlsen, executor of
Mary-Alice Karlsen’s estate, appeared with two items.

Resolution. The board
accepted a preliminary plat for a lot line move that would take 6.54 acres from
lot 01-2-16.1 (86 ac) to 01-2-16.2 (42.6 ac) in order for the lot to reach a
laneway and conform with natural features. Lot 16.1 is part of the Mary-Alice Karlsen
estate, Lot 16.2 is owned by Kris Karlsen. We received the EAF for SEQR and an Agricultural
Data Statement, will submit the application to the county for review. The form
will require the signature from both parties to the transaction.

Moved by Björkman, second
Olsen (Passed 4-0).

Following further discussion,

Resolution: Rescind
previous resolution.

Moved by Björkman, second
Mastellar (Passed 4-0).

Resolution. The board
accepted a preliminary plat for a lot line move that would take 6.54 acres from
lot 01-2-16.1 (86 ac) to 01-2-16.2 (42.6 ac) in order for the lot to reach a
laneway and conform with natural features. Lot 16.1 is part of the Mary-Alice Karlsen
estate, Lot 16.2 is owned by Kris Karlsen. We received the EAF for SEQR and an Agricultural
Data Statement, will submit the application to the county for review. The form
will require the signature from both parties to the transaction.

The second item is a subdivision
of a parcel on Yale Farm and Secor Rds.

Resolution. The board
accepted a preliminary plat to subdivide Lot 08-1-01.1 to create a new lot (B) of
12.394 ac of woods in the southwest part of the lot, with the residual 37.102
ac (A) being agricultural land. The new lot would have at least 800 feet of
frontage on Secor Rd. We received the EAF for SEQR and an Agricultural Data
Statement, and will submit the application to the county for review.

Moved by Björkman, second
Hermann (Passed 4-0).

Discussion followed regarding
solar utility regulation changes proposed by NY State.

Noted that board members
had received questions regarding non-permitted residential uses in the Institutional
and Small Business District.

Adjourn. Moved by Björkman,
second Olsen (Passed 4-0).

Adjourned at 8:04

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