Varick Planning Board January 28, 2021


Varick Planning Board January 28, 2021


Varick Planning Board

January 28, 2021 

Present: Linda Mastellar
(chair), Hershey Sensenig (7:30), Rich Olsen (via Zoom), Michele Hermann
(via Zoom), Frankie Long (via Zoom), Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via Zoom), one

Visitors: Tom Karlsen, Lauren Burling (via Zoom), Levi

Called to order 7:08 pm

Approval of minutes from
December 2020.  Moved by Olsen, Second by
Hermann Approved 5-0

Opened public hearing
for two Karlsen subdivisions (below) at 7:12.

No comments received.

Public hearing closed at

Tom Karlsen, executor of
Mary-Alice Karlsen’s estate, appeared with two items.

Resolution. The board issues
a final approval for a lot line move that would take 6.54 acres from lot
01-2-16.1 (86 ac) to 01-2-16.2 (42.6 ac) in order for the lot to reach a
laneway and conform with natural features. Lot 16.1 is part of the Mary-Alice
Karlsen estate, Lot 16.2 is owned by Kristen and Jaqueline Karlsen.

applicant supplied an Agricultural data statement. The board finds that there
will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will
remain in agriculture. 

The board
received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead
agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the
board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use,
nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative
declaration of environmental impact,.

The county Planning Board reviewed
this application and recommended the condition that the 6.54 acres be added to
an existing parcel.
This resolution incorporates the restriction.

The approval is contingent
on both parties filing the new plat with the county.


Moved by Olsen Second by Hermann 
Approved 5-0.


The second item is a
subdivision of a parcel on Yale Farm and Secor Rds.


Resolution. The board
issues a final approval to subdivide Lot 08-1-01.1 to create a new lot (B) of
12.394 ac of woods in the southwest part of the lot, with the residual 37.102
ac (A) being agricultural land. The new lot will have at least 800 feet of
frontage on Secor Rd.

applicant supplied an Agricultural data statement. The board finds that there
will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will
remain in agriculture. 

board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the
lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the
board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use,
nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative
declaration of environmental impact.

The county Planning Board reviewed
this application and recommended approval.

Moved by Olsen, Second
by Mastellar  Approved 6-0.

We received no
information back from the sheriff for comment on how they would enforce the
noise ordinance despite a couple more inquiries.

We will add Ms. Burling
to the email announcing the Feb 25 meeting.

Subdivision form 8Supdated
so that in a lot line move, each party must provide a form, though only one fee
is needed. Björkman will edit and upload to website.

Mastellar will call the
county clerk to identify the best procedure for confirming that subdivisions
were executed as approved by this board. The Brandow subdivision of Sept 2019
is one example where the current tax map and tax record do not reflect the
approved action. The tax map is not dated.

Levi Stoltzfus subdivision
application. We had a preliminary discussion about the subdivision of a parcel
of farmland that he wants to purchase and then divide with a neighbor. We
identified resulting lots and lines that would meet the subdivision
requirements. We anticipate a preliminary plat soon.

Adjourn. Moved by Sensenig,
second Olsen (Passed 6-0).

Adjourned at 8:49



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