Varick Planning Board October 27, 2022  


Varick Planning Board October 27, 2022  

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), Cindy
Lont, Lauren Burling,
April Freier, Frankie
Long, Thomas Björkman (Secretary). One vacancy.   Julia Stanley (Clerk)
Guests: Ben Stolzfus, Jim Foggo, Bob Hayssen Steve Marsh, Neil Olver


Called to Order at 7:00 pm

Introduced Julia Stanley who will be Clerk to the Planning Board, Zoning Board
of Appeals and handle Short Term Rentals. She is starting with the applications
for short-term rentals.


Approval of Minutes from September

Moved by Lont, second by Freier,
approved 6-0


Hayssen lot line move.

Public Hearing Opened 7:05

            No comments

Closed Moved by Lont, second by Long,
approved 6-0


The Varick Planning Board issues
Final Approval of the
for a lot line move to take 1.058 acres from
parcel 5-1-4 to 5-12-4.12. The land is part of a residential lot and will
formalize Hayssen’s longstanding residential use. 

The applicant supplied an
Agricultural Data Statement. The board finds that there will be no impact on
adjoining uses because the land use will remain residential. 

The board received the
Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for
State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no
impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a
condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of
environmental impact.

The application was
reviewed by the county planning board, which recommended approval.

Moved by Long, Second by Burling  Passed 6-0


The applicant
provided a final plat for a minor subdivision of parcel 14-1-21 at Rt 414 and
Col Rd. 129, application that was preliminarily accepted in August. A public
hearing on approving the subdivision will be scheduled for November 17.



The board reviewed
the procedure for major subdivisions.

Application for


The Varick Planning Board accepts submission of the Final
Plat for the major subdivision of Parcel 9-1-28.12.

The subdivision is to seven parcels.


·      Parcel 1
is the manor house and adjacent barns and orchards.

·      Parcel 2 is
farmland with connector to Rt 89 frontage

·      Parcel 3 is
a former winery with a driveway to Rt. 89.

·      Parcels
4-7 are 1.4 acres straddling Rt. 89 and approximately 185 ft of road and lake

Acceptance of a Final Plat shall not constitute approval
of the Final Plat.


A public hearing will be scheduled for
November 17.  

Moved by Björkman,
Second by Burling, Passed 6-0

The application will
be reviewed at the November 17, and the full proposal will go the the County
Planning Board. State Environmental Quality Review …]


Short Term Rentals

There have been ten applications, eight of which were
complete. Code Enforcement Officer Dorn inspected all but his own, which was
done by Supervisor Hayssen. 


Clerk Julia Stanley is working on a database and forms to
make the short-term-rental process clear and efficient. The Town website has
some materials for applicants and residents, and more will be added.


Since each application is subject to public hearing, we expect
up to eight public hearings on November 17.


Applicants and inspectors have asked for greater clarity on what
the septic inspection needs to certify. The language is not specific enough.
After discussion, the board concluded that the need to protect water quality
with the higher demand from rental use is best met by opening the tank,
inspecting inlet pipe, baffle and outlet pipes, and determining the size if
that is not known. The dye test should also be performed. Pumping is not
required to determine those things, but the inspection may reveal that pumping
is due.  This requirement mostly affects
rentals close to Cayuga Lake.



Additional updates to Zoning Code.


The board discussed the backlog of revisions to the zoning
code to address some loopholes and unclarities.



The Planning Board hereby refers
the complete set of revision to the Town Board for discussion at their next


Moved by Björkman, second Burling, Passed 6-0.



Moved by Burling, second by
Mastellar. Approved 6-0. Adjourned at 8:57 pm.




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