December 3, 2024
The regular meeting of the Varick Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 7:00 p.m. Present at this meeting were Councilmen Richard McCulloch and Eric Riegel, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, Bookkeeper, Angela Testa, Highway Superintendent, Ben Freier, Town Attorney, Emil Bove and Planning Board member, Cindy Lont. Also present was Miles Persing. Absent: Councilmen Tom Fox and James Velie.
Petitioners to Address the Board: None
Abstract: A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve Abstract No. 12, Vouchers No. 365 to 405 in the amount of $22,628.27.
Highway: Nothing to report
Judge: Nothing to report
Supervisor’s Report: Mrs. Testa explained that the Romulus Lighting District shows a negative balance but is included in the General Fund, so there is money to pay the bills. The 2025 budget should represent the increased cost for running this lighting district.
A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Rigel and so carried unanimously to approve the October 2024 Monthly Supervisor’s Report.
Mrs. Testa reported that the remaining ARPA funds need to be designated on how they will be spent by December 31st. The board previously had discussed designating some of the ARPA funds for the purchase of a new generator for Varick Water 1 district. It was reported that the water operator was still seeking bids for this proposed generator and was waiting for the Town of Romulus’ approval for the purchase as they would be responsible for 55% of the cost per the agreement between the two towns. The board will discuss the ARPA funds at the end of year meeting.
Water & Sewer Supervisor’s November 2024 Report:
· Marked Out Dig Tickets as requested
· Called in Dig tickets for upcoming jobs
· Changed meters as needed
· Read each master meter and did calculations of daily usage
· Answered customers questions in each sewer and water district
· Did final reads as needed
· Changed out grinder pumps as needed
· Took Bac T samples in each water district
· Filled out and submitted monthly report to health department
· Worked on lead and copper inventory
· Dispatched and activated loggers to help locate any possible leak in water districts
· Looked into possible water leak
· Attended meetings for new sewer system
· Ordered parts for new water install In Varick 3
· Cleaned up shop on East Lake Road
· Exercised generator for sewer
· Shut water off as needed
· Got yearly inspection on Truck
· Cleaned tools up after sewer project
· Drained and uninstalled water meter at home on east lake Rd to prevent freezing
Proposed Capital Project: Varick Sewer District No. 3 & 4: Councilmen Richard McCulloch and Eric Riegel, along with Fayette Supervisor Jeff Trout and Councilwoman Coreen Lowry and Mary Chappel from Municipal Solutions interviewed the following engineering firms as part of the Town of Varick’s and Town of Fayette’s RFQ for engineering services for the sewer capital projects: Hunt Engineers, Barton & Loguidice, Wendel, and MRB Group. They used a Request of Qualifications (RFQ) scoring sheet provided by Mary Chappel to assess each engineering firm. These sheets were reviewed by both town’s representative and Mary Chappel, and it was determined the MRB Group should be recommended to the two town boards as the engineering firm for the respective sewer projects. Mary Chappel suggested that once Varick and Fayette boards authorize negotiations with MRB Group and upon successful negotiation, the award of a professional services agreement for such services be awarded. She presented the following resolution to be presented to each board for approval:
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2024, the Town of Varick (“Town”) issued and advertised a Request for Qualifications seeking qualified firms to provide general planning services and the preparation of an engineering report for perform a system asset management and collection and pump station evaluation for the Town (“Services”); and
WHEREAS, proposals received from qualified firms in response to the RFQ were evaluated and ranked, with 4 firms responding, Hunt AES, Wendel, MRB Group and Barton & Loguidice; and all firms were ranked as responsive and qualified, with MRB Group as the highest-ranked firm; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize the Town Supervisor to negotiate a professional services agreement with the highest-ranked firm, MRB Group, including a scope of services and fees for the Services; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that it is in the best interests of the Town to proceed as indicated in this Resolution and authorize negotiations with the qualified firms in order to enter into a professional services agreement for the Services.
Section 1. Negotiations Authorized With MRB Group for engineering services related to the Town’s Sewer District No. 3 and No. 4 project. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to negotiate a professional services agreement with MRB Group including a scope of services and fees for the Services and, if necessary, authorization is granted to negotiate with the firm deemed next best qualified if successful negotiations cannot be completed with MRB Group
Section 2. Implementation. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to take any further action as necessary to implement the purposes of this Resolution.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption.
Motion By: Eric Riegel
Seconded By: Richard McCulloch
Summary of Vote 3 Aye 0 Nay 2 Absent
Mary Chappell also provided Notice of Results and a Notice of Conditional Contract Award letters to be sent on or after December 16th. This will allow the Town of Fayette to hold their monthly meeting to pass the negotiations resolution by their board.
Town Clerk’s Report: A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to approve the November 2024 Town Clerk’s Report: Supervisor: $380, NY Ag & Markets: $11, Total Disbursements: $391.00.
Minutes: A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the November 6, 2024 minutes.
Personnel: Nothing to report.
Assessor: Mrs. Morgan submitted the following report: File was sent to the county on November 6th for processing and printing Town/County tax bills, due to the very early date no address changes from School bills were on it and October/November deeds were not on it. I will provide a list with the changes since that date to our Tax Collector on or about December 15.
Beginning to sort and prepare exemptions (annual) for mailing. Attending a class on Friday (zoom) for continuing education credit.
Planning Board: Cindy Lont reported that the Olver/Zimmerman lot line was approved. An application was also received from David Peterson for review. She also reported that the minor subdivision application is completed, and short-term rental renewals will be mailed out in December.
Mr. Hayssen reported that he received a proposal from LaBella’s for a Comprehensive Plan update for the board to consider. Their fee to prepare the Comprehensive Plan Update is in a lump sum is $70,000. The fee includes all professional and administrative staff as well as costs for travel, printing, direct mailing and promotional materials and other expenses. It was recommended that the board seek other proposals, and Mrs. Lont will look into applying for grant funds and prepare a letter for Mr. Hayssen’s signature seeking other proposals. The town of Fayette has recently updated their comprehensive plan using MRB. Jeff Trout was asked to provide the cost from MRB to complete their update, but it hadn’t been received as of the date of this meeting. Mrs. Lont reported that currently there are 8 people willing to sit on the committee for updating the Comprehensive Plan.
New Business, Old Business, Correspondence:
Supervisor Hayssen reported that Seneca County Local Law No. 9 of 2023 passed by the board of Supervisors authorized and allocated surplus sales tax revenue in excess of the Budgetary Revenue estimate to the towns and village of Seneca County. This law stipulates that once the distribution formulas have been applied to the surplus sales tax revenue and verified by the County Manager and Finance Director a report would be made to the Board of Supervisors. This report will contain a list of any accounts due to the County from any village or town for any services of any type. The Sales Tax Calculations indicate the Town of Varick is entitled to $140,418.50 less outstanding water bills from Varick Water District No. 1 in the amount of $39,183.31 and Varick Water District No. 3 in the amount of $35,297.22. The county is willing to issue a check to the town less these amounts. Supervisor Hayssen questioned the accuracy of these amounts due to master meters that were recognized by the county not working accurately and the dates in which these amounts cover. The board agreed to seek supporting information for the outstanding bills from the county and directed the supervisor not to accept any payment of the sales tax from them until the information as to how they came up with these amounts is provided, reviewed and verified by the town board.
A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to hold a year end meeting on December 30, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to pay end of year bills and to address any new business that may come before the board.
A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Donna Karlsen, Town Clerk