Planning Board
Town of Varick New York
Minutes June 27, 2024
The Varick Planning Board held a regular meeting at the Varick Town Hall June 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Present: Linda Mastellar– Chair, Thomas Bjorkman, Cindy Lont, Jeff Vest, Tim Dorn – CEO
Zoom: Ann Kaminski
Absent: Seth Brandow
Guest(s): Seth Holmberg, Melissa Welch, Val Dorn, Annie Bachman
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
Public Comment: None
Quorum Verified to proceed with business on agenda. A. Kaminski is attending via Zoom and is able to participate in discussion, but not allowed to vote.
Minutes Review:
May 2024 minutes: Motion to accept minutes as corrected.
1st – T. Bjorkman, 2nd – C. Lont, Opposed – 0, Approved.
Major Subdivision: A requirements list has been requested by the Town Attorney to be in place before a moratorium is enacted by the Town of Varick while a Major Subdivision application is created and adopted. The moratorium would be for 6 months and may be acted on as early as July of all required steps, including a Public Hearing, can be accomplished.
The Town of Varick Planning Board intends to add the following list of required documentation for all Major Subdivision applications to be incorporated in the Zoning Code at a future date.
1st – T. Bjorkman, 2nd – J. Vest, Approved
Cayuga Lake Boat Rentals owners Seth Holmberg and Melissa Welch are present to enquire about details in the Zoning Code for opening a business on Cayuga Lake formerly part of the Varick Winery property. The property in question is in the Lakeshore Residential District and the business is not permitted under the Code.
Lake Water District: Annie Bachman is present to provide clarification on the history of regulation and permits for docks & boat hoists. The Code has had rules, regulations and permit requirements to build docks. A court ruling in neighboring Fayette, found that without State permission, the town did not have jurisdiction and the Code was not enforceable. Varick petitioned the state for permission to regulate and enforce docks & boat hoists.
The intent of the Code is to keep Lakeshore Residential from getting too congested and limiting traffic. T. Dorn asks that the language be clarified.
Letter of Compliance: T. Dorn has submitted a sample letter of compliance that is requested by Realtors when selling property stating that “The property can continue to operate. I have not served a notice of violation. Any improvements will have to meet the zoning code.”
Major Subdivision application: Both MRB and LaBella have given estimates for creating the application needed.
MRB offers a ‘full service’ option with both Major and Minor Subdivision applications and representation for public hearings.
LaBella offers the creation of the Major Subdivision application only.
Motion to turn over both estimates to the Town Board with a recommendation that the Town of Varick contact LaBella to create the application for a Major Subdivision.
1st – C. Lont, 2nd – J. Vest, Approved
Lot Line Move application form; This is considered a part of the minor subdivision application and does not exist in the Town of Varick Code. A Lot Line move needs to be identified in the Code. It is also noted that a Lot Line move or adjustment under a certain acreage do not need to go to the county for approval.
Website Update: It has been fixed!
Town Board Report: C. Lont attended and reports they have adopted the new Code of Ethics and it clearly states ‘No gifts’.
Facebook: A. Kaminski reports good activity with the video plays of the traffic around the Eclipse having the highest viewing numbers.
Other Business:
Planning Board member(s): Another member is needed.
Next meeting is scheduled for July 25, 2024. Reminder from C. Millis that she is unavailable for that meeting.
Motion by T. Bjorkman to adjourn at 9:00 pm, 2nd – J. Vest, Motion Carries.
Respectfully submitted. Approved with corrections September 26, 2024.
Carol J. Millis, Secretary