Planning Board January 25, 2024

Planning Board January 25, 2024

Planning Board

Town of Varick New York

Minutes January 25, 2024

The Varick Planning Board held a regular meeting at the Varick Town Hall January 25, 2024 at 7:00 pm.

Present: Linda Mastellar– Chair, Cindy Lont, Ann Kaminski, Seth Brandow, Thomas Bjorkman, Tim Dorn-CEO

Absent: Lauren Burling

Guest(s): Jonas Peachy, Annie Bachman, Dave Boyce

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.

Minutes Review:

December 2023 minutes: Motion to accept minutes with corrections.

1st – A. Kaminski, 2nd – C. Lont, Approved

Public Comment– None

Public Hearing for the application from Jonas Peachy to subdivide property at tax lot 14-1-05 from the current 214 acre property into 2 properties of 130 acres and 84 acres.

Public Hearing opened for public comment with a motion by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow

No public comment being heard, motion to close by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – C. Lont

Discussion: Seneca County decision mentions 2 items not listed in the SEQR form. Wetlands on both proposed lots which cannot be developed and the endangered short eared owl habitat. These items corrected and initialed by Mr. Peachey on the SEQR form.

Peachey Subdivision Resolution

The Varick Planning Board issues Final Approval of the Jonas Peachey subdivision. This action divides lot 14-1-05 at 5374 Rt 414, consisting of 214 acres. This action will divide the parcel into two parts consisting of 130.034 and 90.61 acres. The land is currently in agriculture and no change in use is anticipated.

The applicant supplied an Agricultural Data Statement. The board finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will remain agriculture.

The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action that divides one large farm in half will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The wetland on the west edge should not be altered. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact for purposes of ECL Article 8.

The application was reviewed by the county planning board, which recommended no changes in the proposal.

Motion by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Opposed – 0, Motion carried

Bachman Subdivision

The Varick Planning Board accepts a preliminary plat to move 2.382 acres from lots 9-1-45.2 and 9-1-45.11 of Bachman at 5132 St. Rt. 89 to lot 9-1-29 of Boyce at 5143 St. Rt. 89. The move takes about 23 feet from 9-1-45.2 and about 150 feet from 9-1-45.11.

The transferred land includes a pond with its inlet and outlet pipes. The environmentally sensitive sites in the project area are not included in the land in the proposed move.

The move creates compliant parcel widths, increasing the road frontage of lot 9-1-29 from 95 feet to 118 feet and 9-1-45.2 will have over 340 feet of frontage. Lot 9-1-45.11 is 340 feet wide but has no road frontage. 

The Planning Board received the application, fee, survey map, agricultural data statement and Environmental assessment Form. The Board will submit the application to the county planning board for review and schedule a public hearing for an upcoming meeting.

Motion: T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Opposed – 0, Motion carries

Zoning Code::STR Parking: There are different sizes referenced in the Code for parking. Request from T. Dorn to be consistent as he has had complaints for how many parking spaces allowed in STR driveways.

Resolution: 315.4 (A) Delete “For purposes of this Section, a parking space is defined as no smaller than 8’ X 18’” Add “Parking areas must allow for loading, unloading, ingress and egress.”

Motion: T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S Brandow, Approved

Recommend all changes in the Code take place at one time and after all STR renewals are done. Review of the Owner Supervised/Owner Occupied definitions so T. Dorn and T. Bjorkman can provide input and T. Bjorkman can add to his running list of edits and changes.

Website: discussion to set up a general e-mail of ‘’ or ‘’


18 renewals were done last month, there are 29 at this time with 9 remaining. Some of the 9 are due to incomplete forms. Current renewals received with payments. All reviewed by C. Lont.

Motion to renew the current listed properties for STR consisting of Martin, Vishnevshey, Joyce, DiGennaro, Tao, McCracken (2), Hedworth, Danko. Stone &Bolanos, Simpsons, Motter, Priem, hopkins, Toner, Doyle, DeLucia, Sweet Pineapple, Blaisdell, Reigal, Vinket (2), Mirand, Mathias, O’Connor, Lott. One may not rent, but is recommended to renew as they will have to pay the full fee as a ‘new’ STR if/when they decide to do STR again in the future.

One property had a falsified rental on Craigslist – they request that the tax ID# not be included on the permit. They have been advised that will not keep it from happening as the information is public.

Site Form Review tabled.

Board entered Executive Session to review possible new member(s)

Next meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2024.

Motion to adjourn adjourned at 9:20 pm with no objections.

1St – S. Brandow, 2nd – C. Lont

Respectfully submitted. Accepted with amendments February 22, 2024.

Carol J. Millis, Secretary

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