Planning Board October 26, 2023

Planning Board October 26, 2023

10.26.23 Planning Board Minutes FIINAL

Present: Thomas Bjorkman (Secretary, presiding), Linda Mastellar (Chair), Cindy Lont, Seth Brandow, Ann Kaminski (recording)

Absent: Frankie Long, Lauren Burling

Guests: Jim Foggo

The meeting was called to order at 7:01. The September minutes were reviewed.

Brandow moved that the September minutes be approved. Lont seconded.

Suggested to have any STR owner certify that there are no deed restrictions when they fill out their renewal form and to make sure that this same requirement is in future initial STR applications.

The owner should certify that there is no deed restrictions on the Subdivision permit, STR and Zoning permits also.

Tim Dorn (CEO) will be added to the Planning Board minutes distribution list.

Planning Board decisions need to be identified by Lot Number, and by names. Planning Board clerks will go back through minutes and update.

Lont shared a decision-making page that was received in NYS training. Members agreed that this would be a good addition to our meetings. Lont will review with Donna Karlsen and then update.

The use of an alternate board member is a valuable option to ensure that there is a quorum for every meeting. Further discussion at next meeting.

According to New York State guidelines,Zoom is a method for Planning Board members to participate and listen, but not to vote.

Short Term Rental

Minutes, website and filing of public notices were done by a Planning Board/ZBA clerk. The past clerk has resigned and the responsibilities will be split among three people.

One person oversees STRs. (10 hrs. a month).

One person is in charge of Minutes for PB and ZBA as well as public hearings and some filing.

A professional web designer will design website.

Spencer Wech, an experienced web developer, will create the new Varick website uploading the necessary information for the Town Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board.

It was suggested to have the minutes posted by the clerk who is taking the minutes.

STR administrator will be dealing with renewals. Lont accepted this position.

Planning Board Membership- need two replacements.

Planning Board is on the agenda for the Town Board. We will have a representative attend and report back to the Planning Board each month.

STR renewal permit will be mailed December 1. It is required to note any physical changes since the original permit was granted. Failure to disclose changes constitutes a permit violation. Any complaints will be considered in the renewal process. That may result in the notification of a violation.

Clarification on forms required for the website. Since the STR permits are currently full for both Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, it should be noted that your name will be added to a waitlist.

Add in the STR section- the permits are limited and you will be on the waitlist.

Should the fees be added to the website? More discussion needed at the next meeting.

Kaminski will contact Delores Dinsmore about putting photos and maps on Varick website.

Motion made by Bjorkman to adjourn 8:23 seconded by Brandow.

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