Varick Town Board, February 6, 2024

Varick Town Board, February 6, 2024

February 6, 2024

The regular meeting of the Varick Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 7:00 p.m.  Present at this meeting were Councilmen Richard McCulloch, Tom Fox, James Velie, and Eric Riegel, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, Bookkeeper, Angela Testa, Highway Superintendent, Ben Freier, Attorney for the Town, Frank Fisher, Hunt Engineers, Bryan White, and Tim Steed.  Also present were Cindy Lont, Ann Kaminski, Bill Kaminski, Mile Persing, Jr., Susan Ottenweller and Cindy Drexler.

Privilege of the Floor:  Cindy Lont, Susan Ottenweller and Ann Kaminski presented a resolution for the board’s consideration that rescinds Resolution 23-011 “A Resolution to Support Business in Seneca County” passed on October 3, 2023.  Their proposed resolution supports all business within Seneca County that creates and fosters an environment conducive to business and economic stability and states that it is the town board’s belief that no outside governing body should supersede a municipality’s legal jurisdiction in working with businesses large and small unless those outside governing bodies are rendered authority to do so. (Example Ag & Markets; DEC).

Ms. Lont reported that the October 3 resolution which supported the expansion of Seneca Meadiows Landfill (SMI), stated the Varick Town Board felt that no outside governing body should supersede the Seneca County Board’s legal jurisdiction in working with businesses large and small.  She further reported that the resolution passed by the town board in October, was presented to the Seneca County Board of Supervisors in January of 2024 and they determined that the SMI expansion was not a county board issue, but one for the town of Seneca Falls.  Ms. Lont, based on the Varick Town Board’s October 3 resolution supporting Seneca County Board of Supervisors stance should rescind the October 3 resolution and consider adopting the current resolution put before them. 

Ms. Ottenweller noted that the October resolution cited the premature closure of Seneca Meadows would result in the immediate loss of more than 100 local jobs, but reported that jobs related to tourism numbered over 1,000 in the area.  She also reported that due to SMI the air quality affects the atmosphere at Bonedent, a large business in the area as well as the employees and students of Frank Knight School, who find the air quality in the spring and fall intolerable.   

Mr. Hayssen thanked the presenters and stated the resolution will be given consideration under New Business, Old Business, Correspondence. 

Cayuga Lake Corridor Sanitary Sewer Project:  Bryan White and Tim Steed from Hunt Engineers presented to the board a map of the proposed sewer districts that will service the Town of Varick residents along Route 89 and the Hamlet of Fayette in the town of Varick to include Swedish Hill Winery. The Route 89 district will run south to north and connect into the Town of Fayette, who is also working with Hunt Engineers on a proposed sewer district along Route 89 and continue onto the wastewater plant in Seneca Falls. Hunt is recommending a low-pressure system with grinder pumps. They noted that Seneca County Health Department will be conducting inspections of septic systems along Route 89 and will require all systems be in compliance with a new sanitary law that will become effective in 2025.  It was noted that the proposed sewer system will not be in place by this date, however property owners would be given time to become compliant if it is known a municipal sewer system is being installed.  They reported the funding efforts and next steps to be taken as follows:

Planned for 2024:

  •  Update the IUP – June 2024
  •  Water Quality Improvement Program (WQIP) – 75% of construction costs June 14, 2024

Planned for 2025:

  •  Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA)/NYS EFC State Revolving Fund (SRF)-25% of net eligible project costs.
  • Possible other, such as USDA Rural Development, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC)

It was recommended that the town use Municipal Solutions, Inc. financial advisors, to define the project scope, develop financing plans and funding sources.  Supervisor Hayssen reported that engineering costs incurred to date are being funded by the Seneca County ARPA Grant funds. 

Abstract:  A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Tom Fox and so carried unanimously to approve 2023 Abstract No. 15 Vouchers 818 to 828 in the amount of $11,922.17 and 2024 Abstract No. 2, Vouchers 10 to 50 in the amount of $389,743.95.

Highway:  Highway Superintendent Ben Freier thanked Fayette, Romulus, and Seneca County for assisting in plowing the roads while the Western Star and his pick-up truck were both down.  He is working on specifications for a new truck through Freight Liner to replace the Western Star.  He received an estimate to repair the roofs on the shop and clear panels on the storage barn from Hill Top Construction in the amount of $2,000 and $5,000. 

Mr. Fox reported that he spoke to John Saeli regarding a field drainage issue on the corner of Route 336 and Secore Road.  Mr. Freier stated that he has met and discussed with Mr. Saeli his drainage concern at this location and explained to him that the intersection is maintained by the NYS DOT and he would have to contact them.  Mr. Freier also reported that he has discussed Mr. Salie’s concern with a NYS DOT representative, and they are aware of the issue.

Judge:  Mr. Riegel is still working with the court clerk to set up a time to meet to review the court books.   

Supervisor’s Report:  The bookkeeper, Mrs. Testa reported that she has no report this month as she has not closed out the 2023 books but will be doing so within the next week and will have December and January monthly reports at the March meeting.

She presented a resolution to establish the standard workday and reporting for elected and appointed officials that needs to be completed for state retirement reporting purposes.

Resolution 24-002

A Resolution to Establish the Standard Workday & Reporting

For Elected and Appointed Officials

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Varick, Location Code 30022, hereby establishes the following standard work days for these titles and will report the officials to the New York State and Local Retirement System based on their record of activities.

NameTitleCurrent Term StandardRecord ofNotPayTier 1
SS/NYSLRS IDBegins & End WorkActivitiesSubmittedFrequency
Dates DayResult
Elected Officials 
C. Benjamin FreierHighway Super.1/1/24-12/31/27 626.81Bi-Weekly
Donna KarlsenTown Clerk1/1/24-12/31/27 67.94Bi-Weekly
Appointed Officials 
Angela Testa 0247/R12737290Bookkeeper1/1/24-12/31/27 610.31Bi-Weekly
Donna Brandow 2770/R12995131Deputy Clerk1/1/24-12/31/27 64.33Bi-Weekly
Donna Karlsen 3032/R11479310Tax Collector1/1/24-12/31/25 66.5Bi-Weekly

Motion: Richard McCulloch 

Seconded by: Eric Reigel 

Dated: February 6, 2024

Code:  Nothing to report.

Water & Sewer Report: January 2024 Water/Sewer Report 

·         Marked Out Dig Tickets as requested

·         Called in Dig tickets for upcoming jobs

·         Changed out meters

·         Read each master meter and did calculations of daily usage

·         Answered customers question in each sewer and water district

·         Did final reads as needed

·         Changed out grinder pumps as needed

·         Took Bac T samples in each water district

·         Filled out and submitted monthly report to health department

·         Ordered parts for upcoming projects

·         Exercised generator for sewer district #2

·         Did water shut offs as needed

·         Looked into potential customer water leaks

·         Dropped off parts for water installation on RT 89

·         Looked into potential leaks in Varick 1 and Varick 4

·         Had water truck lettered

·         Pulled out old generator to see about servicing it for use

·         Folded and mailed out water bills

·         Dealt with no power in each sewer district

·         Looked at each master meter in middle of the night to get an idea of flow/gpm

Varick Water District No. 1:  Water Operator Ben Karlsen has applied for membership to New York Rural Water Association Inc.  Once this application has been accepted, he will be scheduling a time for them to test for water leaks.

Seneca Lake Water District:  Nothing further to report

Varick Water District No. 3:  Attorney Fisher will draw up a municipal agreement with the Town of Fayette to complete water billing services for Fayette Water District No. 5 once he is provided the number of meters to be read and billed for and the covered territory. 

Varick Water District No. 4:  Nothing further to report

Varick Sewer District 1: Nothing further to report

Varick Sewer District No. 2:  Nothing further to report.

Town Clerk’s report:  A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the January 2024 Town Clerk’s Report:  Supervisor:  $14,760, NYS Ag & Markets: $13, Total Disbursements: $14,773. 

Mrs. Karlsen reported that most of the funds collected resulted from the 55 short term rental renewal applications and 1 new STR application submitted.   

Minutes:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the minutes of January 2, 2024.

Short Term Rental Report:  Mrs. Lont reported that STR 2024 renewal permits were due by January 31, 2024.  Fifty-five were mailed to owners, completed, and returned and accepted as of February 5, 2024.  Of the 2023 STR permit holders, one Seneca Lake owner decided not to continue as a STR.  Breakdown of 55 STR owners:  45 owners have one STR each and 5 have 2 STR properties each. 

Assessor:  January 2024 report submitted by Anne Morgan:

  • Exemptions are being received and processed.
  • Address changes and escrow (bank codes) are being processed as received.
  • I attended a meeting with the Chairman and Executive Director of the Seneca County IDA, many questions and solutions were discussed and an agreement of working together in the future for Assessors and the IDA.
  • Organizing field work for 2024.

New Business, Old Business, Correspondence: 

Resolution No. 24-003


WHEREAS, Seneca County is recognized as a great place to live and work, in part because of the clean air, fresh water, cultural, historic, and recreational opportunities that are available in and around Seneca County; and

WHEREAS, Seneca County values include creating and fostering an environment conducive to business and economic stability as well as to the health and welfare of its residents which is of paramount importance and concern; and

WHEREAS, Seneca County is proud of its diversity of its residents’ workforce talent and abundance of employment opportunities in a wide variety of industries and professional occupations; and

WHEREAS, Seneca County is geographically located in close proximity to major transportation lines serving air, rail and auto; and

WHEREAS, Seneca County is inclusive and welcoming to all businesses and the prosperity of all of its residents; and

WHEREAS, The Varick Town Board supports all business within Seneca County that creates and fosters an environment conducive to business and economic stability as well as to the health and welfare of its residents, and

WHEREAS, The Varick Town Board believes that no outside governing body should supersede a municipality’s legal jurisdiction in working with businesses large and small unless those outside governing bodies are rendered authority to do so. (Example Ag & Markets; DEC), and

BE IT RESOLVED, The Varick Town Board reviewed Resolution 23-011 “A Resolution to Support Business in Seneca County” passed October 3, 2023 and found it did not accurately reflect the Varick Town Board’s support of all businesses in Seneca County and their belief that no outside governing body should supersede municipality’s legal jurisdiction in working with businesses large and small unless those outside governing bodies are rendered authority to do so. (Example Ag & Markets; DEC),

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Varick Town Board after review and consideration rescinds Resolution 23-011 “A Resolution to Support Business in Seneca County” passed October 3, 2023.

Motion:  Richard McCulloch

Seconded:  James Velie

Discussion:  Mr. Riegel agreed with supporting all businesses, but was not in favor of rescinding the October 3, 2023 resolution.

Mr. McCulloch and Mr. Velie were in support of the presented resolution and Mr. Fox stated he would be abstaining as it was felt by some he may have a conflict of interest in this matter. 

Supervisor Hayssen called for a roll call vote: 

Roll Call:

Richard McCulloch     Yes

Tom Fox                      Abstained

James Velie                 Yes

Eric Riegel:                 No

Robert Hayssen:          Yes

3 Yes, 1 No, 1 Abstain

So Carried

Date:  February 6, 2024

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.

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