Service: Tax Assessment Review Board
Tax Assessment Review Board
The Board of Assessment Review is a quasi-judicial body that hears complaints on assessments.
If property owners feel that their property assesment is inaccurate, they can appeal through the Assessment Review Board. That hearing is the first step in the administrative review process for contesting the assessed value on a property. It is a very good idea to discuss your assessment with the Tax Assessor before coming before the Review Board.
The board holds hearings on one day each year. Grievance Day is usually the fourth Tuesday in May. Confirm the date to be sure.
Who Do I Contact?
The primary contact for the Tax Assessment Review Board is:
Anne Morgan
Tax Assessor
Phone: 607-869-9689
Fax: 607-869-9254
Board Members
Eileen M. Percevault
Sally Kenyon
John Sensenig