Minutes: December 19, 2024

Minutes: December 19, 2024

Planning Board Minutes: December 19, 2024

Town of Varick New York Regular Meeting at the Varick Town Hall

Board Members: Chair: Linda Mastellar- present

Thomas Bjorkman – present

Seth Brandow – absent

Ann Kaminski – present

Cindy Lont – present

Jeff Vest – present

Code Officer: Tim Dorn – absent

Guest(s): Chelsea Barry, Susan Ottenweller, Dave Peterson

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Call to order: 7:00 pm.

Public Comment: A Letter from Joseph Liguori read aloud by the Chair in regards to a development with a new building(s) on a neighboring property. His concerns include: the ‘current development has altered and encroached on Cayuga Lake beach and shoreline’; ‘Septic system must be West of Rt 89…current construction appears to be a primary structure…which will intuitively generate domestic wastewater and require septic’; the ‘development must meet the provisions of the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway organization’. He requests a review of all construction activities to ensure adherence, compliance enforcement as needed. Community communications of findings and corrective measures.

Quorum: Verified to proceed with business on agenda.

Minutes Review:

November: Motion to accept the minutes as presented.

1st – J. Vest, 2nd – C. Lont Motion Accepted

Minor Subdivision Public Hearing opened with a motion from C. Lont, 2nd – T. Bjorkman.

A review of the property and the changes being requested made by Dave Peterson.

Public Hearing closed with no further comments by a motion from T. Bjorkman, 2nd A. Kaminski


The Varick Planning Board issued Final Approval of the subdivision of parcel 4-1-20 at 4565 Rt 414 of David and Jean Peterson.

This action divides 2.103ac on the west side of Rt 414 from parcel 4-1-20, originally consisting of 64.53 acres. The resulting parcels conform to current dimensional and setback requirements in the Subdivision and Zoning Codes.

The board received the survey map, the fee, the Agricultural Data Statement and Environmental Assessment Form.

The application was referred to the Seneca County Planning Board for review. Their review on December 12, 2024 determined that there are no county-wide or intermunicipal impacts, and the board a recommended approval the subdivision subject to local requirements.

The Varick Planning board held a Public Hearing on December 19, 2024. There were no comments.

The board finds that there will be no impact on nearby agricultural uses because the land use will remain compatible with agriculture and does not create potential for development that would limit adjoining agricultural uses.

The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review on December 19, 2024 and determined that it is an Unlisted action. Upon review of the EAF, the board found that there are regulated wetlands and endangered species habitat nearby. It also found that there is no environmental impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact.

Motion by T. Bjorkman 2nd A Kaminski Motion carries

Jacob & Chelsea Barry Minor Subdivision Application:

Area Variance Application was heard by the Varick Zoning Board of Appeals and the variance was approved.

The Minor Subdivision Application submitted is the old form and is currently missing the EAF and Ag Data Statement needed for submission to the County Planning Board to be added to their January agenda.


The Varick Planning Board accepts a preliminary plat for a minor subdivision of parcel 1-2-018 at 4700 St Rt 96A of Jacob and Chelsea Barry.

This action divides a parcel of 2.617 acres to two lots of 1.916 ac and 0.701 ac. Having minimum widths of 100 and 127.88 ft, respectively.

The board received the application, a survey map, the fee from the applicant. The Zoning Board of Appeals provided the Variance and negative declaration of environmental impact. The applicant will provide an agricultural data statement.

The Board will submit the complete application to the county planning board for review and schedule a public hearing for January 23, 2025.

The ZBA granted a variance on December 16, 2024 to allow a 12.5’ setback from the house to the lot line, and to keep the mobile home on the lot for 3 months after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new dwelling.

Varick Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself lead agency and classified this as an unlisted action and made a negative declaration of environmental impact on December 16, 2024.

Motion by T. Bjorkman 2nd -C. Lont Motion carries

Zoning Code Updates: Discussion of language changes to be requested for the definitions for Short-term Rental and Vehicle Sales both found in Article 1: Section 107 of the Zoning Code. Short-term rental verbage change approved by the PB 1/25/24. No further changes made. Vehicle Sales – boats on trailers is not defined but is under Section 2257 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. No changes made.

Garage definition verbage change to ‘limit residential spaces like sleeping and eating quarters’.

Section 306 Lake Water District – Section 306.2 language changed for clarity. Table Section 306.3 -General Development Standards, Other Structures- language changes in paragraphs 1 and 3 for clarity

Both portions of changes in Section 306. Lake Water District will be reviewed with the Code Officer.

Motion to accept verbage changes for definition of Garages and Section 306 Lake Water District as discussed.

Motion by T. Bjorkman, 2nd -J. Vest, Motion carries.

Town Board Meeting: C. Lont reports the Comprhensive plan steering committees are coming together. The Town is looking at firms to assist with the process – MRB, LaBella, etc. Consultants are needed to be impartial.

Year End Reports:

STR: Renewal Letters were sent out in December with some payments received. No Action.

Code Officer: No Report. No Action.

Facebook: A. Kaminski presented the Professional Dashboard/ Performance Data of public views and interaction with the Facebook page. Decided the focus should be on community events: free dinners, festivals, clothing drives, etc. Asks what should be done to keep the site active while she is away in 2025. No Action.

Website: Tabled

State of the Planning Board: Tabled

Other New Business: None

Next meeting will be January 23, 2025.

Adjourned 9:06 pm with a motion by J. Vest, 2nd – C. Lont

Respectfully submitted. Accepted February 27, 2025.

Carol J. Millis, Secretary

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