December 30, 2024
The year end meeting was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 10:15 a.m. Present at this meeting were Councilmen Richard McCulloch, Eric Riegel and Jim Velie, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, and Bookkeeper, Angela Testa. Absent: Councilman Tom Fox
Petitioners to Address the Board: No one to address the board.
Abstract: A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve Abstract No. 13, Vouchers 406 to 433 in the amount of $30,769.54.
Bookkeeper: Mrs. Testa provided a resolution for approval amending the 2024 budget. These are transfers to correct over budget line items.
WHEREAS there are not sufficient budget appropriations in the District Fund Budget to meet obligations of the Fund for the year 2024, and | ||||
WHEREAS, in conformity with Town Law and good bookkeeping practices, amounts should not be over appropriated, be it | ||||
RESOLVED, that the Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to make amendments to the 2024 budget to correct over budget line items as follows: |
$ 3500.00 from Contingency A00-1990.400 to Supervisor A00-1220.400
$ 600.00 from Contingency A00-1990.400 to Town Clerk A00-1410.400
$ .04 from Contingency A00-1990.400 to Attorney A00-1420.400
$ 263.04 from Contingency A00-1990.400 to Building cont. A00-1620.400
$ 10,000 from ARPA to Building Cont A00-1620.400
$ 1624.76 from Fund Balance A00-599 to Highway Personal A00-5010.100
$ 8.10 from Contingency A00-1990.400 to Street Lighting A00-5182.400
$ 5686.82 from Fund Balance A00-599 to Capital Outlay A00-8686.200
$ 4131.28 from Fund Balance A00-599 to Workers Comp A00-9040.800
$ 978.89 from Machinery DA-5130.250 to Building Ins DA-1620.430
$ 5600.00 from Machinery Personal DA-5130.100 to Roads Personal DA-5110.100
$ 3476.46 DEBIT CHIPS REV DA -3501 CREDIT CHIPS EXP DA-5112.400
$ 16000.00 from Roads Cont DA-5110.400 to Machinery Cont DA-5130.400
$ 47.00 from Admin Supplies SS1-8110.400 to Admin Badger SS1-8110.400
$ 271.71 from Repairs SS2-8120.400 to Admin Badget SS2-8110.400
$ 1387.21 from Repairs SS2-8120.400 to Admin Utilities SS2-8110.430
$ 3296.99 from Repairs SS2-8120.400 to Sewer Personal SS2-8120.100
$ 247.19 from Repairs SS2-8120.400 to Sewer Transportation SS2-8140.400
$ 260.43 from Repairs SS2-8120.400 to Social Security SS2-9030.800
$ 111.39 from Supplies SW1-8320.420 to Building Ins SW1-1620.430
$ 52.73 from Supplies SW1-8320.420 to Admin Supplies SW1-8310.400
$ 108.85 from Supplies SW1-8320.420 to Badger SW1-8310.410
$ 114.92 from Supplies SW1-8320.420 to Transportation SW1-8340.400
$ 134.00 from Supplies SW1-8320.420 to Retirement SW1-9010.800
$ 435.44 from Repairs SW2-8320.430 to Badger SW2-8310.410
$ 386.23 from Repairs SW2-8320.430 to Transportation SW2-8340.400
$ 71.97 from Repairs SW3-8320.430 to Building Ins SW3-1620.430
$ 79.39 from Repairs SW3-8320.430 to Badget SW3-8310.410
$ 102.88 from Repairs SW3-8320.430 to Laborer Personal SW3-8320.101
$ 53.85 from Repairs SW3-8320.430 to Transportation SW3-8340.400
$ 109.00 from Repairs SW3-8320.430 to Retirement SW3-8320.430
$ 143.15 from Equipment SW4-8320.200 to Badger SW4-8310.410
$ 688.63 from Equipment SW4-8320.200 to Laborer Personal SW4-8320.101
$ 158.80 from Equipment SW4-8320.200 to Water Testing SW4-8320.410
$ 224.34 from Equipment SW4-8320.200 to Transportation SW4-8340.400
Motion by: Richard McCulloch
Seconded by: Eric Riegel
So Carried Unanimously
ARPA funds: It was reported that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding received in 2021 needs to be obligated by December 31, 2024, and expended by December 31, 2026. The ARPA funds received from Seneca County Board of Supervisors have been obligated to be expended on the highway department’s new truck. The board discussed obligating the remaining funds received through ARPA to the Town of Varick as follows: $10,000 for paving of the town hall parking lot spent in 2024 and $17,070.85 for two generators.
A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to obligate $100,000 to be expended for a new highway truck, $10,000 for paving of the town hall parking lot and $17,070.85 for two generators to be expended by December 31, 2026.
2025 Insurance: Headly Insurance provided an optional quote increasing deductibles on Property insurance from $250 to $2,500 and General Liability deductible from $1,000 to $2,500. The board discussed these deductibles and passed the following motion:
A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to maintain the original Property Insurance deductible at $250 and increase the General Liability deductible to $2,500.
Capital Project: Proposed Varick Sewer District No. 3 and No. 4: The town received notification from DEC regarding the town’s Consolidated Funding Application for the 2024 Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) program stating they have completed the review of applications and unfortunately the town’s proposal was not selected for funding but does not preclude the town from applying for future CFA fund rounds. Supervisor Hayssen will be contacting WQIP Program staff by January 10, 2025, to discuss why the town’s project was not funded this round and will include Mary Chappell and MRB in this discussion. It was noted the Town of Fayette did receive funding for their project.
A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Donna Karlsen
Varick Town Clerk