Planning Board
Town of Varick New York
Minutes May 23, 2024
The Varick Planning Board held a regular meeting at the Varick Town Hall May 23, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Present: Linda Mastellar– Chair, Thomas Bjorkman, Seth Brandow, Ann Kaminski, Cindy Lont, Jeff Vest,
Absent: Lauren Burling, Tim Dorn – CEO
Guest(s): Judy Hartle, Jim Foggo, Jodi Brown, Steve Marsh
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
Public Comment– J. Foggo comments on the possible major subdivision projects coming into the area, that these projects need to be beneficial for both the residents and the developers. Environmental impacts of water run-off, sewer, traffic patterns, etc. noise and light pollution, all be kept in mind to make these projects a ‘win/win’ situation for both sides.
Minutes Review:
April 2024 minutes: Motion to accept minutes with amendments and corrections.
1st – A. Kaminski, 2nd – S. Brandow, Opposed – 0, Approved.
Quorum Verified to proceed with business on agenda.
Lott/ Brown Lot Line move Public Hearing:
Motion to open for public comment: 1st – T. Bjorkman 2nd – S. Brandow
Hearing no comment, motion to close the public hearing: 1st- T. Bjorkman 2nd – S. Brandow
Brown Subdivision Resolution
The Varick Planning Board issued Final Approval of the Brown subdivision, a lot-line move between parcel 01-02-11 of Rodman Lott & Son Farm and parcel 04-01-2.12 of Jodi Brown.
This action transfers 8.927 ac from parcel 01-02-11 to parcel 04-01-2.12 currently, 1/3 ac. The Lott parcel will retain 9.932 ac.
The board received the survey map, the fee, the Agricultural Data Statement and Environmental Assessment Form.
The Seneca County Planning Board reviewed the application on May 9, 2024 and recommended that the subdivision be approved conditional on the Town receiving an authorized- representative form showing that Shirley Lott is authorized to represent the owner, Rodman Lott and Son Farm LLC. The resolution incorporates that condition.
The Varick Planning Board held a Public Hearing on May 23, 2024. There were no comments.
The applicant supplied an Agricultural Data Statement. The board finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the agricultural land will be transferred to an active agricultural operation.
The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review on April 25, 2024. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact.
Motion brought forward by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Opposed – 0, Motion carries.
Short Term Rental Public Hearing opened at 7:24pm for an owner-supervised cottage owned by Judy Hartle at 5503B E. Lake Road with a motion by 1st – C. Lont, 2nd- J. Vest
Hearing no comment, motion to close the public hearing at 7:27 by 1st – A. Kaminski, 2nd – S. Brandow
T. Dorn inspection reports that all concerns affecting the application have been completed.
Hartle STR Resolution.
The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short Term Rental License to Judy Hartle to operate a short-term rental at 5503B East Lake Rd. until January 30, 2025 with no additional conditions.
Motion brought forward by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Opposed – 0, Motion carries.
Town Board Member Lauren Burling has submitted her letter of resignation. It is accepted with thanks for her work with the Planning Board.
Website Update: Access problems to the website continue and seems to be an issue with WordPress. Access can be made to individual sections. The Zoning Board of Appeals section is still lacking minutes, etc.
Town Board Report: C. Lont attended and reports they are addressing the Code of Ethics matter. They have chosen to create their own rather than use the NY State version. It will be reviewed again at their next meeting.
Major Subdivision application review: Varick does not currently have a Major Subdivision application form. A. Kaminski, C. Lont, J. Vest have looked closer at this project and find it is a very large and detailed undertaking. They reviewed applications from other towns and find the Seneca Falls version is comprehensive. It had been created by MRB and includes connections to Seneca Falls Zoning Code. Discussion of having a similar document created by MRB or LaBella for Varick. A budgetary estimate needs to be sought for the creation of the application to submit to the Town Board asking for funds
Resolution: The Planning Board requests that the Town Board issue a moratorium on major subdivisions until we have developed a major subdivision application that brings us in line with other municipalites in the area.
1st – S. Brandow, 2nd- A. Kaminski, Opposed – 0, Motion carries.
Motion to contact MRB and LaBella to receive budgetary estimates for assistance in developement of a major subdivision application made by A. Kaminski, 2nd – J. Vest, Opposed – 0, Motion carries
Facebook: A. Kaminski has administrative access for Facebook and asks if there is a need for other Planning Board members to have access as well. None see that need and think one makes the most sense. The board also prefer that the site keep to posting Varick pictures and information only.
Other Business:
Zoning Code Changes to Article V- Nonconforming Uses. Thomas submitted a sample of changes to board members via e-mail for discussion. While generally found to be improved, the discussion leads to other items needing further editing.
A paragraph dealing with ‘Junk’ or ‘Rubbish, Trash & Scrap Piles’ for the ‘How do I Find?’ section of the website is also being worked on. A. Kaminski offered a sample for the board to review. More work is still needed on this as well. It is noted that the town has no jurisdiction on ‘unused agricultural equipment’ that may considered ‘junk’ by some observers.
C. Lont handed out the Frequently Asked Questions list from Donna. J. Vest will answer as many possible from his experience.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2024.
Motion by S. Brandow to adjourn at 8:53 pm, 2nd – A. Kaminski & T. Bjorkman, Motion Carries.
Respectfully submitted. Accepted June 27, 2024.
Carol J. Millis, Secretary