Town of Varick New York
Minutes February 22, 2024
Planning Board
Town of Varick New York
Minutes February 22, 2024
The Varick Planning Board held a regular meeting at the Varick Town Hall February 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Present: Linda Mastellar– Chair, Cindy Lont, Ann Kaminski, Seth Brandow, Thomas Bjorkman
Absent: Lauren Burling, Tim Dorn – CEO
Guest(s): Jeff Vest, Annie Bachman
Meeting called to order at 6:59 pm.
Minutes Review:
January 2024 minutes: Motion to accept minutes with amendments and corrections.
1st – S. Brandow, 2nd – C. Lont, Opposed – 0, Approved
Public Comment– None
Public Hearing opened with a quorum at 7:05pm for the application from Annie Bachman (present) & David Boyce to subdivide property by moving a portion of 2.382 acres from lots 9-1-45.2 and 9-1-45.11 of Bachman at 5132 St. Rt. 89 to lot 9-1-29 of Boyce at 5143 St. Rt. 89. The move takes about 23 feet from 9-1-45.2 and about 150 feet from 9-1-45.11.
No public comment being heard, motion to close by T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Approved
Discussion: There was minor confusion due to the deed indicating an old right of way which had been dissolved a few years ago when the neighbor purchased land for a driveway. Bachman ‘purchased back’ the right of way.
Bachman/ Boyce Subdivision Resolution
The Varick Planning Board issues a final approval of the Bachman-Boyce subdivision. The subdivision is a lot-line move of 2.382 acres from lots 9-1-45.2 and 9-1-45.11 of Bachman at 5132 St. Rt. 89 to lot 9-1-29 of Boyce at 5143 St. Rt. 89. The move takes about 23 feet from 9-1-45.2 and about 150 feet from 9-1-45.11.
The transferred land includes a pond with its inlet and outlet pipes. The environmentally sensitive sites in the project area are not included in the land in the proposed move.
The move creates compliant parcel widths, increasing the road frontage of lot 9-1-29 from 95 feet to 118 feet and 9-1-45.2 will have over 340 feet of frontage. Lot 9-1-45.11 is 340 feet wide but has no road frontage.
There is no longer a right-of-way for a driveway.
The applicant supplied an Agricultural Data Statement. The lot is in the Agricultural District, but the land being transferred is not agricultural. The board finds that there will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will be unchanged.
The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact.
The Planning Board received the application, fee, survey map, agricultural data statement and Environmental Assessment Form. The Board submitted the application to the county planning board for review. The county planning board recommended approval without conditions.
Motion: T. Bjorkman, 2nd – A. Kaminski, Opposed – 0, Motion carries
STR – 2024 Report
55 STR owners renewed their permits. 1 on Seneca Lake did not.
All 55 renewal permits were sent out on February 5, 2024.
$250 per permit x 55 = Total $13,750.
Breakdown of the 55 STR owners:
45 owners have one STR each. (45 STRs)
5 have 2 STR properties each. (10 STRs)
Town of Varick limit for non Owner-Supervised/Occupied STRs on Cayuga Lake is 15. Presently, there are 16.
Town of Varick limit for non Owner Supervised/Occupied STRs on Seneca Lake is 19. Presently, there are 29.
There are three two owners on the STR permit waitlist for Cayuga Lakeshore Residential.
One owner on Seneca Lakeshore Residential.
Review of property history formerly known as Lakeside Cottage Court. The current owner is considering applying for STR on one cottage as an Owner Supervised. Owner would live in the main house full time. C. Lont, as STR clerk, asks the PB to advise if the application would be considered if submitted due to the other cottages that still remain on the parcel but will not be used as STRs.
With the PB approval, C. Lont will refer the application to T. Dorn for inspection. A Public Hearing on one, maybe two, applications will be scheduled for the next meeting.
Planning Board miutes process:
Draft minutes (noted as such) should be posted within 10 days of the meeting. T. Bjorkman will review the process with the secretary.
The minutes from August continue to be missing. There needs to be a record of that meeting due to a resolution having been made on a subdivision. T. Bjorkman will work on the dilemma.
Town Board meeting: The last meeting was attended by A. Kaminski. Their meeting is the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. C, Lont will attend the March meeting, while L. Mastellar and T. Bjorkman will try depending on their schedules.
Sewer lines will be installed on Route 89.
C. Lont reported the revenue generated for the Town by the STR permits – both new and renewals.
The Town revised their resolution issued on the Seneca Meadows Landfill and issued a resolution in support of Varick businesses.
Gift Policy – There is a NY State Gift Policy on record for public officers and information about this policy should be part of the website. There is a continuing issue with gifts being delivered to PB members. This may be due to a cultural background. Statement on the town website can just be that the ‘Town complies with the State guidlines for gifts’. More information is needed before any follow through – this is tabled until the information is gathered.
Facebook & Website Update:
The website doesn’t show well on a phone – working to resolve this.
Zoning Code: A ‘How To’ list to be compiled and added covering the most asked questions. Checking with T. Dorn for his input. This will cover things like ‘when a permit is needed’, ‘what projects need permits’, who to apply to for which permits needed, etc.
New Board Member(s)
Jeff Vest is visiting this meeting as a prospective new board member. Process: PB brings a prospective new member to the attention of the Town Board. There is a form or two to sign.
Attendance: there is an attendance requirement – limit of 3 or 4 unexcused absences
Terms: 5 Years in a staggered format.
Jeff states that after years of working with the various portions of town government, he would welcome a chance to have a say in how a community develops and voice an opinion.
Motion to bring Jeff Vest to the Town Board as a new member of the PB.
1st – C. Lont, 2nd – S. Brandow, Approved
Next meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2024.
Motion to adjourn at 9:20 pm with no objections.
1St – C. Lont, 2nd – S. Brandow
Respectfully submitted. Accepted March 28, 2024.
Carol J. Millis, Secretary