September 3, 2024

September 3, 2024

September 3, 2024

The regular meeting of the Varick Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 7:00 p.m.  Present at this meeting were Councilmen Richard McCulloch, Tom Fox, and Jim Velie, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, Bookkeeper, Angela Testa, Attorney for the Town, Emil Bove, Assessor for the Town, Anne Morgan, and Planning Board member, Cindy Lont.  Also present were Miles Persing and John Saeli.  Absent, Councilman Eric Riegel and Highway Superintendent, Ben Freier. 

Petitioners to Address the Board:  John Saeli was provided copies of the letter drafted by the town attorney for Supervisor Hayssen’s signature noting Mr. Saeli’s attendance at the August 6, 2024 meeting and his request for ditching of State Route 336 in the area of Secor Road.  This letter was sent to the New York State Department of Transportation in Albany and the local office in Waterloo. Mr. Saeli questioned the accuracy of the August 6th minutes where they referenced information provided by Highway Superintendent Freier at this meeting.  Councilman Richard McCulloch addressed Mr. Saeli’s questions, supporting the information that was presented by Mr. Freier at that meeting and reported in the August 6th minutes. 

Abstract:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve Abstract 9, Vouchers 260 to 286 in the amount of $21,497.56. 

Highway:  Nothing to report. 

Supervisor’s Report:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the July 2024 Supervisor’s Report. 

WHEREAS there are not sufficient budget appropriations in the District Fund Budget to meet obligations of the Fund for the year 2024, and
WHEREAS, in conformity with Town Law and good bookkeeping practices, amounts should not be over appropriated, be it
RESOLVED, that the Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to make amendments to the 2024 budget to correct over budget line items as follows:

$100.00        Building Insurance          SS1-1620.430   to Admin                     SS1-8110.410

$ 25,185.00   DB Fed Aid Rev              SS2-4089         CR Equip                    SS2-8120.200

$      641.49   from Fund Balance          SW2-599         to Insurance                SW2-1620.430

$   2,000.00   from Fund Balance          SW2-599         to Admn Supplies        SW2-8110.400

$      250.00   from Fund Balance          SW2-599         to Support                   SW2-8110.410

$      412.00   from Fund Balance          SW2-599         to Retirement               SW2-9010.800

$   8,140.00   DB Fed Aid Rev              SW2-4089        to CR Equip                 SW2-8320.200

$      239.06   from Fund Balance          SW4-599         to Insurance                SW4-1620.430

$    3000.00   from Fund Balance          SW4-599         to Supplies                  SW4-8310.400

$      100.00   from Fund Balance          SW4-599         to Support                   SW4-8310.410

$      209.00   from Fund Balance          SW4-599         to Retirement               SW4-9010.800

Motion:  Richard McCulloch

Seconded:  Tom Fox

So Carried Unanimously

Mrs. Testa reminded the board that there still is approximately $27,000 in ARPA funds to be spent by 2025. 

Code Enforcement Officer:  No report. 

There was no Water/Sewer Operator Report submitted for August as the department was still out on an emergency sewer call.

A discussion was held regarding safety equipment and clothing be purchased by the town for the employees to wear while working on sewer and the need of a sewer department truck to keep sewer supplies and the transportation of used sewer pumps separate from municipal water supplies. 

Varick Sewer District No. 1:  Nothing to report

Varick Sewer District No. 2:  Nothing to report.

Capital Project: Sewer Districts 3 and 4:  The board reviewed the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) for engineering services and approved the legal notice to be published in the town’s legal paper

Varick Water District No. 1:   The master meter installation for this district is still being reviewed.

Seneca Lake Water District:  Nothing to report.

Varick Water District No. 3:  It was noted that Fayette has not paid the Town of Varick for the water billing services per the agreed contract as of this date.  Mrs. Testa will send them a bill for this service. 

Varick Water District No. 4:  Nothing to report. 

Town Clerk’s Report:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the August 2024 Town Clerk’s Report:  Supervisor:  $95, NYS Ag & Markets, $4, Total Disbursements: $99.

Minutes:  A motion by Tom Fox, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 6, 2024.

Personnel:  Mr. McCulloch reported that the summer recreation director will send a report for the October meeting. 

Assessor:  Mrs. Morgan answered questions pertaining to the Real Property Tax Exemption for Cold War Verterans and recommended if the board was willing adopt a local law granting veterans of the Cold war a partial real property tax exemption that they be consistent with the law that Seneca County has already adopted. The board agreed to do so. The town attorney presented an introductory resolution to the board for approval as follows:

                                                            Resolution No.:  2024-11




WHEREAS, the state of New York has adopted Section 458-b(2)(b) of the New York State Real Property Tax Law authorizing the Town of Varick to adopt a local law granting veterans of the Cold War, as defined therein, a partial real property tax exemption as those terms are defined in said statute, and

WHEREAS, due deliberation has been had on the possibility of adopting such a partial real property tax exemption,

Now, Therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that local law 2024-2, “Establishing a real property tax exemption for veterans of the cold war”. is introduced hereby before the Varick Town Board, to read substantially as provided in the attached Exhibit, and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk lay a copy of this local law upon the desk of each of the members of the Town Board no less than ten days before its enactment by the Board, and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give due notice of the public hearing to be held hereon, such hearing to be held at the Town Offices at 4782 Route 96, Romulus, New York 14541, in the Town of Varick on October 1, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

Motion:  Richard McCulloch

Seconded:  Tom Fox

So Carried Unanimously

Dated:  September 3, 2024

Zoning Board: Anne Bachman submitted a letter of resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals effective December 31, 2024 and noted that she would be happy to resign earlier if a replacement has been found.  She also noted that she would be happy to consult and assist as needed. The board acknowledged her years of service and their appreciation of the work she has accomplished over those years.   

A motion by Tom Fox, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously accepted Anne Bachman’s resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals effective December 31, 2024. 

Robin Blair had submitted a letter of interest to the board which was presented at the August 6th board meeting prior to the letter of resignation dated August 13 from Anne Bachman being received.  Ms. Blair sent an email informing the board that she was withdrawing her application of interest to the ZBA as she has unexpectantly found that her time she thought she would have available to serve on the ZBA is spoken for now.  The board acknowledged her withdrawal of interest. 

Planning Board: Mrs. Lont reported that the Planning Board has reviewed the major subdivision application prepared by LaBella and have submitted minor changes to them and will review this application with the town board in October.  She also reported that the planning board is working on revision to the minor subdivision application.  She noted also that they are working on updating the zoning code which they feel should be looked at once a year and will present to the town board for review in October. 

Mrs. Lont also reported that the code enforcement officer and the planning board would like to meet with the town attorney to review the process of enforcement pertaining to short term rentals that are being run without a permit.  Mr. Bove will meet with the respective parties to review the steps to be taken. 

A discussion was held regarding proposed building of residential structures on Route 89 and the concern of septic systems.  It was reported that Seneca County Health has approval on the systems installed.

Comprehensive Plan:  A discussion was held regarding the development of the steering committee and how to notify the residents of the town that the board is accepting statements of interest for available volunteer positions to include the steering committee and vacancies on the Planning Board and ZBA.  A news release was provided by Susan Ottenweller to advertise the acceptance of statement of interest which can be advertised on the town’s web page, Facebook and possibly through the one call system as follows:

Varick Town Board is accepting Statements of Interest for Available Volunteer Positions.

The Varick Town Board is accepting letters of interest from Varick residents to fill the following volunteer positions:

  • Comprehensive Plan Citizens’ Steering Committee
  • Varick Planning Board
  • Varick Zoning Board of Appeals

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will meet regularly to review the current 20-year-old Plan and offer revision suggestions. A Comprehensive Plan is a “vision” for future land use in the Town and presents goals that guide official decision making to achieve the vision.  A consultant has been hired to oversee the process and guide the steering committee.

The Varick Planning Board meets monthly to interpret the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to residents’ development proposals. This includes reviewing project construction plans and subdivision proposals. It also includes making recommendations to the Town Board on zoning updates.

The Varick Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meets monthly to review requests from Varick residents whose projects don’t fully comply with the Varick Zoning Code. This appeal process involves becoming knowledgeable about the Varick Zoning Code as it applies to land use requirements.

 A background/experience/knowledge of construction, business and an understanding of legal documents is desirable.

Resumes and/or statement of interest may be submitted to:

Robert Hayssen, Supervisor

4816 State Rt 89

Romulus NY 14541


Old Business, New Business, Correspondence:

Mrs. Karlsen reported that Mr. Freier contacted Seneca Stone to provide a state bid price to resurface a portion of the town hall parking lot with like and kind materials as bid by Official Asphalt of NY.  Since the paving work is time sensitive due to the weather, Mr. Freier requested that the board authorize him to award the job to the company who provided the lowest cost for the job. 

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to hire Official Asphalt of NY to resurface a portion of the town hall parking lot providing the state bid price from Seneca Stone is not less than Official Asphalt of NY pricing. 

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Karlsen

Town Clerk

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