Varick Town Board May 7, 2024

Varick Town Board May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024

The regular meeting of the Varick Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Hayssen at 7:00 p.m.   Present at this meeting were Councilmen Richard McCulloch, Jim Velie, and Eric Riegel, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, Bookkeeper, Angela Testa, Attorney for the Town, Emil Bove, Water Operator, Ben Karlsen and Planning Board member, Cindy Lont. Absent:  Councilman Tom Fox

Abstract:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve Abstract No. 5, Vouchers 109 to 148 in the amount of $42,215.27.

Highway:  Mr. McCulloch reported that Hill Top Construction completed some repairs to the barn and shop roofs.  The roof over the conference room which has rolled roofing needs some repair over the screw holes and flashing.  Mr. Freier will get the pricing for this repair work to be done. 

Judge:  No report.

Supervisor’s Report:  A motion by Jim Velie, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the Supervisor’s Report, March 2024. 

Code Department:  Nothing to report.

Water/Sewer Operator’s Report:  April 2024

  • Marked Out Dig Tickets as requested
  • Called in Dig tickets for upcoming jobs
  • Changed meters as needed
  • Read each master meter and did calculations of daily usage
  • Answered customers questions in each sewer and water district
  • Did final reads as needed
  • Changed out grinder pumps as needed
  • Took Bac T samples in each water district
  • Filled out and submitted monthly report to health department
  • Ordered parts for upcoming projects
  • Did water turn On’s as needed
  • Talked with contractors about upcoming water service installs
  • Inspected new water services put in on RT 89 and Seneca Lake
  • Worked with Romulus in Varick 1 looking for possible water leak
  • Fixed service line leak in Varick 4
  • Tapped and installed meter pit for new service for Seneca Lake water
  • Attended water training class in Syracuse
  • Looked into possible water leaks for some high water usages for customers

Sewer District No. 1:  Nothing further to report.

Sewer District No. 2:  The district lost power on Sunday, May 5th and the department started the generator at the pump station.

Proposed Varick Sewer District No. 3 & 4:  Hunt Engineering presented a resolution naming the Town of Varick as lead agent for the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) for this proposed Varick Sewer District No. 3 & 4 Sanitary Sewer Project.  The town attorney reviewed the presented resolution with the board, made some amendments to it and recommended the board pass the resolution with the recommended amendments.

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) Lead Agency Establishment resolution on proposed Varick Sewer District No. 3 & 4 subject to amendments by the Town Attorney based on the Council’s directions.

Attorney Bove will provide a copy for final approval to the town clerk and supervisor at which time the approved resolution will be filed with these meeting minutes. 

                                                            Resolution No 24-008

Resolution with reference to the proposed



State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)

Lead agency establishment

WHEREAS, the Town of Varick (hereinafter the “Town”) proposes to undertake a sewer project in Town of Varick Sewer Districts Three and Four; and

WHEREAS, the proposed project area includes properties within the Town along and adjacent to Cayuga Lake along NYS Route 89 in the Town., in proposed Sewer District 4, and properties within the Hamlet of Fayette, in proposed Sewer District 3; and

WHEREAS, the existing on-site wastewater treatment systems along NYS Route 89 and within the Hamlet of Fayette are known or suspected to be inadequate systems for the treatment of wastewater and protection of surface water resources; and

WHEREAS, the NYSDEC classified Cayuga Lake as a draft TMDL waterbody as well as creating a Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan for Cayuga Lake; the Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization developed the Cayuga Lake Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan in 2017; and the Seneca County Watershed Protection Law was recently implemented; all encouraging municipally owned public sanitary systems surrounding Cayuga Lake; and

      WHEREAS, the proposed new improvements consist of the creation of new sewer districts in one or more phases, the installation of sanitary sewer collection system including grinder pumps, force mains, manholes, and valve vaults, and the abandonment and/or removal of individual on-site wastewater treatment systems; and

      WHEREAS, various regulatory, funding, and public approvals will be needed in the planning and development of the proposed improvement projects:


  1. The Town Board of the Town of Varick determines pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and the regulations contained in 6 NYCRR Part 617, hereafter called SEQRA, that the proposed project is a Type I action under SEQRA §617.4(b)(8) “any Unlisted action that includes a nonagricultural use occurring wholly or partially within an agricultural district that exceeds 25 percent of any Type I threshold”, and therefore a Full Environment Assessment Form (FEAF) must be prepared. 
  • The Town Board declares its intent to establish itself as lead agency in the coordinated review of this action;
  1. The Town Supervisor or agent of the Town shall notify all Involved Agencies of the Town’s intention to designate itself lead agency and provide a copy of the FEAF.
  1. A coordinated review will be performed.
  • This resolution shall take effect immediately.

Introduced by: Richard McCulloch

Seconded by: James Velie

Voting Aye:  4

Voting Nay: 0

Absent:  1

Hunt Engineering also prepared a letter and completed a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 for the attorney and board’s review.  Attorney Bove will review and make any necessary revisions prior to these documents being distributed to the listed parties. 

Varick Water District No. 1:  The water department assisted the Town of Romulus in locating and repairing a large water break in front of the trailer park in the hamlet of Romulus.  They will continue to monitor gallons of water processed through the master meter.

Seneca Lake Water District:  Supervisor Hayssen received confirmation that the Village of Waterloo will be increasing the water rate to this district effective with the third quarter water billing.  The board noted that water rate increases recently have only reflected the same dollar amount the Village of Waterloo has increased the rate by. The board acknowledged the increase in expenses and discussed optional rate increases and decided on a new rate of $5.25 per thousand gallons to go into effect with the 2024 third quarter water billing.  Notice of this increase will be noted on the second-quarter water billing.

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to increase the water rate to Seneca Lake Water District consumers to $5.25/1,000 gallons with a minimum fee of $16.95 (based on 3,239 gallons), effective with the 2024 third quarter water billing with notification of this increase printed on the second quarter bills.

Water District No. 3:  Mr. Hayssen will contact Jeff Trout, Supervisor of the Town of Fayette, to find out the status on the proposed agreement to read water meters and complete billing for Fayette 5 water district.  

Mr. Karlsen reported that Supervisor Trout questioned him if the Town of Varick would consider reading the meters for their Route 89 water district.  Mr. Karlsen reported that he did not feel that his department would have the time available to complete that district’s meter readings.  The board agreed with Mr. Karlsen’s time assessment and no action was taken. 

Water District No. 4:  Mr. Karlsen showed to the board a homeowner’s copper transmission line, that had two holes in it.  He reported that this is the third copper line that he has had to replace and feels this copper line used by the contractor at the time of construction was defective. He reported that the monitored water usage through the master meter is significantly lower since this repair was completed. 

Personnel:  Mr. McCulloch reported that the summer recreation director has begun preparing for this year’s program and she is doing a great job. 

Assessor:  Nothing to report.

Zoning Board:  Nothing to report.

Planning Board:  Mrs. Lont reported that the planning board is working on developing a major subdivision application.  They have reviewed examples of surrounding municipalities and is very interested in obtaining an electronic version of Seneca Falls application. Further review and development of this application will be completed.

Mr. Velie questioned if the town had any zoning pertaining to solar farms and was directed to the town’s zoning code. 

Town Clerk’s Report:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Jim Velie and so carried unanimously to approve the Town Clerk’s Report: Supervisor:  $250, NYS Ag & Markets: $9, Total disbursements; $259.

Minutes:  A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to approve the minutes of April 3, 2024.

New Business, Old Business, Correspondence:  Attorney Bove reviewed the Town of Varick’s Code of Ethics and recommended the Town Board make the following Amendments to the 1991 Town of Varick Code of Ethics resolution as follows:

  1. Paragraph 1 be amended to delete the following language, “having a value of $50.or more”

  2.     The last numbered paragraph be deleted, and the following language substituted:

         “Complaints concerning violations of the provisions of this resolution shall be reported to the Town Clerk, who shall maintain a confidential record of such complaints.”  The complaints shall be referred to the Town Attorney for review and recommendation, if any, for investigation and action.”

3.   All other provisions in the 1991 resolution shall remain in full force and effect

Attorney Bove reminded the board that town employees may be subject to discipline per contracts or civil service law and elected officials can only be disciplined under very limited circumstances.

The board approved the recommendations presented.  Attorney Bove will prepare a resolution revising the 1991 resolution for the Town of Varick Code of Ethics for adoption at the June board meeting.  

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Donna Karlsen

Town Clerk

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