Planning Board November 16, 2023

Planning Board November 16, 2023

Planning Board

Town of Varick New York

Minutes November 16, 2023

The Varick Planning Board held a regular meeting at the Varick Town Hall November 16, 2023 at 7:00 pm.

Present: Linda Mastellar– Chair, Thomas Bjorkman, Cindy Lont, Seth Brandow

Absent: FrankieLong, Lauren Burlng, Ann Kaminski

Guest(s): Jeremy Schrader, Bob Hayssen

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.

October 2023 minutes: Motion to accept minutes as revised.

1st – T. Bjorkman, 2nd – S. Brandow, Approved

Zoning Applications, STR Applications

STR renewal applications will be mailed out December 6. Renewal cost is $250.

All applications will include the phrase ‘I attest that there are no deed restrictions for this use on this property’.

The Planning Board Decision form is amended to need to show who moved and seconded the motion. Copies of completed form go on file; to Donna Karlsen, Town Clerk; and to Tim Dorn, CEO with resolution attached.

Motion to approve change.

1st – S. Brandow, 2nd – C. Lont Approved

Review of new website

Showing of menu items include a Calender showing meetings, dumpster days, etc. and other key locations on the site with descriptions, contact information, access to various applications and the Code. Administrater is Spencer and T. Bjorkman. Adding content will be easy once construction is completed. It should go live in January and maybe as early as December.

Jeremy Schrader is present to ask questions about what steps to meet Code would be required on the property at 5418 State Route 89 to build 2 STR structures. He and his wife have STR properties in several other locations including Seneca Falls. There is a home and business already on the property, but they are not looking to continue the business, the home would be mid to long term rental. The propertyhas access only from Rte 89 making it in the Lakeshore Residential zone, which would put it on the waiting list for a STR application as the quota is already full for that zone. If property could be acquired for access from Ernsberger Road (100 ft road frontage) and the property subdivided, the section of the property being proposed for the STR buildings would be in the Agricultural Residential zone that currently has openings for STR applications. This is not feasible at this time.

Other Business

There is a potential new Planning Board member, Bob Peterson. Discussion of an alternate board member was tabled. There are current inactive members who need to be contacted to either return or resign before bringing on a new board member.

Next meeting is scheduled for December 21, 2023, at 7:00pm. This is on the third Thursday due to the holiday.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm with no objections.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol J. Millis, Secretary

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