Varick Town Board November 1, 2023

Varick Town Board November 1, 2023

November 1, 2023

The regular meeting of the Varick Town Board was opened by Supervisor Hayssen at 7:00 p.m.  Present at this meeting were councilmen Richard McCulloch, Tom Fox, and Eric Riegel, Town Clerk, Donna Karlsen, Bookkeeper, Angela Testa, Attorney for the Town, Joe Midiri and Planning Board member, Cindy Lont.  Absent:  Councilman Richard Peterson

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to open the public hearing on the proposed 2024 General Fund Budget, Highway Fund Budget, Water District Budgets, Sewer District Budgets, Special District Fund Budgets, and to adopt the following fire protection units:  Varick/Romulus, Varick, and Varick/Fayette at 7:01 p.m.

No Comments were presented, and Supervisor Hayssen asked for a motion to close the public hearing.

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to close the public hearing on the proposed 2024 General Fund Budget, Highway Fund Budget, Water District Budgets, Sewer District Budgets, Special District Fund Budgets, and to adopt the following fire protection units:  Varick/Romulus, Varick, and Varick/Fayette at 7:03 p.m.

A motion by Eric Reigel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to open the public hearing on Local Law No. 3 of 2023 to Override The Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law §3-C at 7:03 p.m.

No Comments were presented, and Supervisor Hayssen asked for a motion to close the public hearing.

A motion by Eric Reigel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to close the public hearing on the Local Law No. 3 of 2023 to Override The Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law §3-C at 7:05 p.m.

Abstract:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve Abstract Number 11, Vouchers 704 to 736 in the amount of $33,203.72.

Judge:  No report.   

Supervisor’s Report:   A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the September 2023 Monthly Supervisor’s Report. 

Mrs. Testa reported that she had to break a CD in Seneca Lake Water District a month early and Five Star Bank did not penalize the town for surrendering it early. 

Mrs. Testa presented a resolution for amendments to the Town of Varick 2023 budget transferring funds to balance lines over budget.





WHEREAS there are not sufficient budget appropriations in the District Fund Budget to meet obligations of the Fund for the year 2023, and

WHEREAS, in conformity with Town Law and good bookkeeping practices, amounts should not be over appropriated, be it

RESOLVED, that the Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to make amendments to the 2023budget to correct over budget line items as follows:

$ 817.45 from Contingency A1990.400 to Building Ins A1220.105

$ 80.00 from Contingency A1990.400 to Registrar Expense A4020.400

$ 250.00 from Contingency A1990.400 to Street Lighting A5182.400

$ 200.00 from Contingency A1990.400 to Zoning Secretary A8010.102

$ 2,000.00 from Misc. Shop DA5130.250 to Brush & Weeds Exp DA5140.400

$ 300.00 from Contingency SS2-8189.400 to Admin Equipment SS2-8110.200

$ 1,000.00 from Contingency SS2-8189.400 to Utilities SS2-8110.430

$ 400.00 from Contingency SS2-8189.400 to Sewer Trans. SS2-8140.400

MOVED:  Richard McCulloch

SECONDED:  Eric Riegel

So Carried Unanimously

2024 Budget: Mrs. Testa presented the 2024 Preliminary Budget for review and noted the following information:

  • The taxable rate shown in the Preliminary Budget has not been confirmed by Anne Morgan as of this date.  Mr. Hayssen at that time called Anne Morgan who indicated that the figure she gave to the bookkeeper should be accurate and the board chose to move forward with the processes of approving the budget at this meeting based on that information. 
  • Out of District income in the amount of $3,883.20 needs to be moved from SW2-1030A to SW2-2770 as directed by Lisa at the county treasurer’s office.  These funds are collected from out of district users in the Town of Romulus.
  • SW2-1030 Revenue Special Assessments will increase from $44,560 to $44,850.
  • SW2-1030A Special Outside Bond Payment will be moved to SW2-2770 Out of District Users in the amount of $3,883.20.
  • SW4 Revenue Out of District Users will be increased to $310.63
  • SS2 Revenue out of District SS2-2770 will be increased to $4,008.64
  • SW4 Correct bond revenue SW4-1030 from $60,728 to $61,060
  • SW2 Correct bond revenue SW2-1030 from $44,560 to $44,850
  • Anne Morgan submitted her 2024 contract amount A1355.400 of $22,348 an increase of $810.
  • AIM revenue line number change received letter from comptroller and they are changing the number from A2750 to A3001
  • Zoning and Planning Board Secretary:  Create expense line A8020.102 Zoning Secretary to: $7,200decrease Planning Board Secretary A8020.100  to $10,250.
  • Create an expense line for Web Design with a budget amount of ($120×12 months) $1,440
  • Judge Jeff Hogue would like to recommend a 6% raise for his court clerk instead of the 3% as reflected in the Preliminary Budget and is willing to give up his 3% raise to make up the difference.  The board agreed to continue to give Jeff Hogue the 3% and increase the court clerk’s 3% more to reflect a total of 6% raise.

Mrs. Lont presented from 2EZ IT LLC a Statement of Work detailing the scope of work to complete a website design for the Town of Varick in the amount of $2,400.  The project overview indicates a start date of November 6 with an end date of November 17, 2023.  The SOW also detailed a monthly maintenance cost of $1,440 for 2 hours a month for one year. The cost of the website design would be expensed in 2023 with the monthly support cost added to the 2024 budget.  

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to approve Supervisor Hayssen to sign the Statement of Work presented by 2EZ IT LLC for the Town of Varick Website Design in the amount of $2,400 with an annual cost of $1,440 for 2 hours per month of monthly maintenance.

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to adjust the STR revenue line A8020.120 to reflect the cost of STR renewal applications at a rate of $250 per application or $14,250 ($250 X 57 renewal permits) and direct the bookkeeper to balance the pertaining expense lines accordingly. 

Code Enforcement:  Nothing to report.

Water & Sewer Supervisor’s Report:  October 2023

·         Marked Out Dig Tickets as requested

·         Called in Dig tickets for upcoming jobs

·         Changed out meters

·         Read each master meter and did calculations of daily usage

·         Answered customers question in each sewer and water district

·         Did final reads as needed

·         Changed out grinder pumps as needed

·         Took Bac T samples in each water district

·         Filled out and submitted monthly report to health department

·         Ordered parts for upcoming projects

·         Exercised and painted hydrants on East Lake Road

·         Exercised generator for Sewer District No. 2

·         Exercised guard valves in Seneca Lake Water District

·         Folded and stuffed water bills to be sent out

·         Did water shut offs as needed

·         Looked into a possible service line leak on East Lake Road

·         Checked all air release valves on Rt 89 (Varick 4)

·         Top soiled and reseeded yard in Fayette due to replacing hydrant.

·         Order THM and HAA 5 bottles

·         Tapped new water service

·         Sent Nate to school for class D water license

·         Did maintenance on work truck

·         Attended class in Ovid for water credits

·         Reviewed issue with water bill in Var 3/ resolved issue

Varick Sewer District No. 1:  Nothing further to report.

Varick Sewer District No. 2:  Nothing further to report.

Varick Water District No. 1:  Nothing further to report.

Seneca Lake Water District:  Nothing further to report.

Varick Water District No. 3:  A meeting will be arranged between the Town of Varick and the Town of Fayette to discuss Fayette’s newest water line and its impact on Varick Water District No. 3.  Supervisor Hayssen and Councilman McCulloch will set this meeting up.  

Varick Water District No. 4:  Nothing further to report.

Town Clerk:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the October 2023 Town Clerk’s Report: Supervisor: $157.50, NYS Ag & Markets: $5 and State Health Dept: $22.50, Total Disbursements:  $185.00

Minutes:  A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Tom Fox and so carried unanimously to approve the minutes of October 3, 2023. 

Planning Board:  Mrs. Karlsen reported that Julia Stanley resigned as the STR, Planning and Zoning Board secretary.  Cindy Lont would be interested in becoming the STR secretary and anticipates working 10 hours or less per month.  A secretary for the Planning Board and ZBA would still need to be hired.

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Tom Fox and so carried unanimously to hire Cindy Lont contingent on the Seneca County Personnel Office approval at the rate of $17.50 per hour.

Budget 2024:

Supervisor Hayssen called for a resolution to override the tax levy limit:






LAW §3-C

WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Varick, New York for a Public Hearing to be held by said Town on November 1, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Varick Town Office Building, 4782 Route 96, Romulus, New York, to hear all interested parties on a proposed Local Law entitled “A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law §3-C”; and

            WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the official newspaper of the Town; and

            WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on November 1, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office Building, and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed Local Law, or any part thereof; and

            WHEREAS, the Varick Town Board, after due deliberation, finds it in the best interests of the Town of Varick to adopt said Local Law; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Varick Town Board hereby adopts Local Law 3 of 2023 entitled “A Local Law To Override The Tax Levy Limit Established In General Municipal Law §3-C”, to read in substantially the following form:

Section 1.  Legislative Intent

It is the intent of this local law to allow the Town of Varick to adopt a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2024, that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as defined by General Municipal Law §3-C.

Section 2.  Authority

This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of the General Municipal Law §3-C, which expressly authorizes a local government’s governing body to override the property tax cap for the coming fiscal year by the adoption of a local law approved by a vote of sixty percent (60%) of said governing body.

Section 3.  Tax Levy Limit Override

The Town Board of Varick is hereby authorized to adopt a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2024, that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the amount otherwise prescribed in General Municipal Law §3-C.

Section 4.  Severability

If a court determines that any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or the application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance is invalid or unconstitutional, the court’s order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this local law, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered.

Section 5.  Effective date

This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.

And be it Further

            RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to file a duly certified copy of this Local Law with the office of the Secretary of State.

Moved:  Richard McCulloch

Seconded:  Eric Riegel

Passed Unanimously

Supervisor Hayssen asked for a motion to adopt the following 2024 budgets: General Fund Budget, Highway Fund Budget, Water District Budgets, Sewer District Budgets, Special District Fund Budgets to the adopted 2024 Budgets, and to adopt the following fire protection units for 2024:  Varick/Romulus, Varick, and Varick/Fayette.

A motion by Richard McCulloch, seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to move with changes, alterations and revisions the 2024 Preliminary Budget to the 2024 Adopted General Fund Budget, Highway Fund Budget, Water District Budgets, Sewer District Budgets, Special District Fund Budgets, and be it further advised to adopt the following fire protection units:  Varick/Romulus, Varick, and Varick/Fayette.

New Business, Old Business, Correspondence:

Mrs. Testa reminded the board the town still has approximately $90,000 in ARPA funds to be spent by December 2026.  Mr. Karlsen, the water operator, suggested using a portion of those fund to purchase a Aquascope 3  Professional kit that detects water leaks and can be used on fire hydrants, main line valves, guard valves, water mains, curb stops and service lines.  The cost of this device is $4,950.  It was also noted that Varick Sewer District No. 1 received the bill in the amount of $4,407.03 which represents the cost to replace 2 sewer pumps in Varick Sewer 1 and this cost would also be eligible for ARPA funds. 

A motion by Richard McCulloch and seconded by Eric Riegel and so carried unanimously to approve the expenditures of $4,950 to purchase a Aquascope 3 Professional Kit and $4,407.03 to replace 2 sewer pumps in Varick Sewer District No using the ARPA funds.

Supervisor Hayssen reported that the Seneca County Board of Supervisors voted to approve distribution from the County’s ARPA funding to the Town of Varick in the amount of $100,000. It was noted that there are no restrictions on how these funds can be expended.  A discussion was held pertaining to the use of these funds to offset the cost of the purchase of a new dump truck for the highway department.  No decision was made at this time.

A motion by Eric Riegel, seconded by Richard McCulloch and so carried unanimously to adjourn the regular meeting of the Varick Town Board at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Karlsen

Varick Town Clerk

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