Varick Planning Board March 23, 2023


Varick Planning Board March 23, 2023

Present: Linda Mastellar (Chair), Cindy Lont, Seth Brandow, Thomas Björkman (Secretary).  Absent: Lauren Burling, Frankie Long. One vacancy. 

Staff:  Julia Stanley (Clerk), Tim Dorn (Code Enforcement Officer)

Guests: Jim Foggo. Steve Marsh, Susan Ottenweller, Bob Hayssen. 

Called to order at 7:01 pm

Minutes for March 2, 2023

Accept minutes. Moved by Lont, Second by Brandow. Approve 4-0. 

General public comment. 

Jim Foggo. Thanks for the work to better assure sustainable development of our community.


Public hearing for STR 


Application of Shelley and Dan Pletcher5244 East Lake Road

Opened 7:04

No Comments 

Closed 7:04  Moved Long, Second Brandow Approved 4-0.


Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short Term Rental License to Sharon and Dan Pletcher to operate a short-term at 5244 East Lake Road until January 30, 2024.

Moved by Björkman, second by Lont, approved 4-0.

[NB: applicant’s name is Shelley Pletcher, not Sharon. Corrected 9/8/2023]

County Agriculture District

Harriet Haynes, Seneca County Planning Department

Seneca County Agricultural District 8 is up for its 8-year renewal. Parcels in the County Agricultural District are eligible for agricultural assessment and are in an agricultural protection district, under State Right-to-Farm laws. 

Land can be added by the owner on annual basis. But parcels can only be removed at the 8-year review. 


We will communicate to the Seneca Planning Department that it would desirable not to include the Conservation District in the Agricultural District. When the parcel that includes the Conservation is subdivided, new parcels outside the Conservation Zoning District can be added to the County Agricultural District. The other additions are appropriate.


Hayssen Lot line move

The proposed action is a lot line move between parcel 05-1-62.21 and parcel 05-1-74. It moves the north line about 22 feet, moving 0.131 acres from parcel 05-1-74 to parcel 05-1-62.21. The board reviewed the County Planning Board recommendation for addressing a non-conforming aspect of the proposed action.


The Seneca County Planning Board recommended that the Varick Planning Board takes one of three actions: 1) refer the proposal to the ZBA for an area variance; 2) combine parcels 5-1-62.21 and 9-1-7.11 to create 70 additional feet of frontage, or 3) create an easement across 05-1-74 instead of moving the line.


After discussion, the second option was preferred by the applicants. 

We will schedule a public hearing for next month’s meeting and anticipate final action them.


Short Term Rental update.

The board discussed several questions on STRs that came up.

How should the town manage a waiting list for STRs? 

To be determined

How does the town handle complaints? 
If the owner is unresponsive, the complaint goes to the town (Code Enforcement or which can ask for remedy and issue a violation notice.
If the owner persists is unresponsive, an appearance ticket can be issued and the court can demand correction the condition and impose penalties if the condition is uncorrected.

Do neighbors have the phone number of the 24hr contact?
Consider listing the contact telephone number for each STR address on the Varick website. Check with the Town Attorney whether that is appropriate. 

How do we handle the unpermitted operating STRs? 
They would be treated as any other violation of the code. 


Notes for next Zoning Code revision

·      There is a design requirement for driveway spacing, but that is hard to enforce because no permit is required.


·      Clarify in the STR application (Section 315) that the site plan is intended for the guests. 



Adjourn Moved Björkman, Second Brandow.  Approved 4-0.

Adjourned at 8:45 pm.

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