Varick Planning Board December 15, 2022


Varick Planning Board December 15, 2022

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), Cindy Lont, Lauren Burling, Frankie Long,
Absent: Thomas Björkman (Secretary). Two vacancies. Julia Stanley (Clerk)

Guests: Seth Brandow, Brian Zerges, Brent Toner, Jason Streeter, Jill Sandroni, Tom
Sandroni, Val and Tim Dorn, Annie Bachman, Terrance Faust, Neil and Lisa Olver, Rick
Watts, Steve Marsh. Nathan Harris.

Called to order at 6:59 pm

Announcements: April Freier resigned from the Planning Board effective December 1. The
Town Board has asked Sean Brandow to serve.

Minutes for November

Lauren not there. April present.
Accept minutes as revised. Moved by Burling, Second by Lont. Approved 4-0.

General public comment.

Unidentified speaker: If someone has been operating a short-term rental without neighbor
complaints, what will change?

Short term Rentals

Public hearings were held on 12 applications for short-term rental permits.

The public hearing on the applicant Faust at 4710 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:10 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Comments: Limit is 10 guests, Mr. Faust requested 14. Burling and Mastellar
discussed the limit and informed him it was a firm limit according to the law.

Closed at 7:12 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short Term Rental
License to Mr. Faust to operate a short-term rental at 4710 E. Lake Rd. until January
30, 2024 on the condition that the maximum occupancy is 10 guests.

Moved by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Youngblood at 4847 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:15 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Comments: There were comments regarding signs by neighbors, as well as trash
and parking issues.

Closed at 7:18 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short Term Rental
License to Mr. Youngblood to operate a short-term rental at 4847 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 on the condition that the maximum number of parking spaces is 4,
the maximum number of guests is 6, and visible house numbers are placed on the

Moved by Burling, second by Lont, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Hedworth at 5053 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:21 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Comments: Past issues with guests not staying on property, signs are now posted.
Closed at 7:23 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Mr. Hedworth to operate a short-term rental at 5053 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 on the condition that trash cans have lids.

Moved by Lont, second by Long, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Henzke Trust at 5252 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:24 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: none
Closed at 7:25 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Henzke Trust to operate a short-term rental at 5252 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 without additional conditions.

Moved by Long, second by Lont, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Zeitler at 5326 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:26 pm. Motion by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: Parking is max 7 not 8, with 2 in garage and 5 in drive, need visible
house number.

Closed at 7:27 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Mr. Zeitler to operate a short-term rental at 5326 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 on the condition the maximum number of parking spaces is 7.

Moved by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Cindy Lont at 5621 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:29 pm. Motion by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: none
Closed at 7:30 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Cindy Lont to operate a short-term rental at 5621 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 without additional conditions.

Moved by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Wendy Doyle at 5644 E. Lake Rd
Opened at 7:31pm. Motion by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: none
Closed at 7:32 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Wendy Doyle to operate a short-term rental at 5644 E. Lake Rd. until
January 30, 2024 on the condition that the Planning Board is provided with a second
contact number.

Moved by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Toner at 4658 Locust Ln.
Opened at 7:34 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Comments: Max parking is 2
Closed at 7:35 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Mr. Toner to operate a short-term rental at 4658 Locust Ln. until January
30, 2024 on the condition that the maximum number of parking spaces is 2, and that
the operator talks to neighbors about fire pit proximity.

Moved by Burling, second by Lont approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Sandroni at 4832 State Rt. 89
Opened at 7:37 pm. Motion by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: She mentioned it was a family home, only rented occasionally
Closed at 7:39 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Sandroni to operate a short-term rental at 4832 State Rt. 89 until January
30, 2024 with no additional conditions.

Moved by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Olver at 5102 State Rt 89 (rear)
Opened at 7:41 pm. Motion by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0

Comments: Annie Bachman asked who is to be notified, if it was neighbors within
500 feet from property line or from the building to be rented, the wording is
ambiguous. She has no issue with the rental application.

Closed at 7:43 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Neil & Lisa Olver to operate a short-term rental at 5102 State Rt 89 (rear)
until January 30, 2024 with no additional conditions.

Moved by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Streeter- Brown at 5233 State Rt 89
Opened at 7:45 pm. Motion by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Comments: House number needs to be visible, poor site plan, parking issues.
Neighbor Nathan Harris, in attendance, brought up several incidents with guests.
Two cars is the maximum that fits on the property, otherwise the parking is too
tight. The applicant requested three, Tim Dorn explained why the maximum is two.
Harris brought up safety concerns with guests going off property and accessing
water due to undefined property line. Ten guests is too many, citing fight between
guests affecting his family and property Thanksgiving Day and night. Jason Streeter-
Brown was very amenable discussing solutions with Mr. Harris. Agreed to a
maximum occupancy 8 guests.

Closed at 7:50 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Mr. Streeter to operate a short-term rental at 5233 State Rt 89 until
January 30, 2024 on the condition that max occupancy is 8, the maximum number of
parking spaces is 2, and that the boundaries of the property are clear to guests.

Moved by Burling, second by Lont, approved 4-0

The public hearing on the applicant Tim Dorn at 5549 State Rt 89
Opened at 7:57 pm. Motion by Burling, second by Lont, approved 4-0

Comments: none
Closed at 7:30 pm

Resolution. The Varick Planning Board approves issuing a Short-Term Rental
License to Tim Dorn to operate a short-term rental at 5549 State Rt 89 until January
30, 2024 without additional conditions.

Moved by Lont, second by Burling, approved 4-0

Olver Subdivision.

The Planning Board reviewed the Environmental Assessment Form as part of the State
Environmental Quality Assessment. We received that form in late November.

The board cannot make a negative SEQR declaration yet because there was incorrect
information about soils and there are issues that need closer scrutiny.

The chair reminded the applicants about the procedure, the fact that this is a Major
Subdivision requiring that those rules be followed, and that the SEQR requires addressing
concerns with erosion, flooding, visual impact, community character that are raised by this


The Varick Planning Board will submit the application Final Plat for the major
subdivision of Parcel 9-1-28.12 to the Seneca County Planning Board.

The Varick Planning Board requests that the Town Board provide legal support
under Local Law No. 2 of 2022 in order to assist with the State Environmental
Quality Review.

Moved by Burling, Second by Lont. Approved 4-0.

Zoning Code Revisions

The board discussed final revisions of the proposed Zoning Code, incorporating technical
corrections from the Town attorneys and clarification from various town officials.

Two items needed attention.

The Varick Planning Board submits the draft of December 12, 2022, amended with
these two changes, to the Varick Town Board with the recommendation that they
act to adopt it as town law.

In section 315.2, delete “Applications from short term rental owners, received by Jan. 31, 2023
and who owned the property before July 19, 2022, will be exempt from the limit.” because that
provision will be moot when the code takes effect.

In section 501.1 Replace the two incomplete sentences with “Discontinued nonconforming
uses or residential occupancy shall not be resumed. A use shall be considered discontinued

one calendar year after cessation of use or condemnation by the County Health

Moved by Burling, second by Long, approved 4-0. Adjourned at 9:05 pm

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