Varick Planning Board October 28 2021


Varick Planning Board October 28 2021

 Varick Planning board minutes

October 28, 2021

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), April Freier, Lauren Burling, Rich Olsen,

Absent Thomas Björkman, Frankie Long, Hershey Sensenig 

Guests: Cindy Lont, Eric Backlund, Dan Toner, Kim Parella, Tony Parella, Nick Davoli, Jason McCormick, Mark Lin 

Called to order. 7:04

Minutes for September 2021. Moved to accept by Olsen, Second Freier (Approved 4-0)


Backlund Trust Subdivision


Summary of discussion

A public hearing was held on Sept 23, 2021. Not substantive issues have arisen in the meantime. The final survey map is consistent with what was presented. 


The Varick planning board issues Final Approval to divide lot 5-1-13.1 at 4608 route 89, comprising approximately 50 acres into two parcels of 6.5 ac and 43 ac. Each property will have 215 ft frontage. Narrowest point is over 150 ft. Applicant provided a SEQR EAF and Ag Data Statement and a survey map. 


The applicant supplied an Agricultural Data Statement. The board finds that there will be no impact on included and adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will remain agriculture. 

The board received the Short Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of environmental impact.

The application was reviewed by the county planning board. The County Planning Department was concerned that some agricultural land behind the house remain with the residential house. However, the County Planning Board did not include that recommendation.  The County Planning Board considered that and recommended that the application be approved contingent on completion of the survey map and that setbacks are met.  


Moved by Burling, second Freir. Approved 4-0

Lafferty Minor Subdivision

Summary of Discussion 

An initial discussion was had regarding the subdivision of Lafferty Property at 714 Deal Road into an approximate 2.63 acres and 4.1 acres. Assistance with application was requested and brief discussion was had regarding whether this would be a subdivision or a lot line move. The applicant offered an initial Agricultural Data Statement and Environmental Assessment Forms for review, which are not ready to be submitted. Parella will be the applicant. Lafferty is the owner.  Lot 10-23-26. Applicant advised to specify owners across the road on the application as well as who owns the agricultural properties in the area. Advised to include parcel number on application. A public hearing will be scheduled for December once survey maps are obtained.

Backlund Property “Project”

Summary of Discussion

4608 State Route 89. Drawings offered for discussion by Lin and McCormick. Considering a design of one parcel as a housing development (36 homes); Townhouse approach instead of single-family homes. “Upscale” houses approximately 1900-2500 square foot homes with attached garages. They wish to attract people that want to live here during the summer and travel during the winter, may attract some people that live here year-round but this is not their target population. 500 Feet back from the road. Advised that the planning board needs to review current code before saying one way or the other if this would be approved.

Vacation rental regulation process

Summary of Discussion

Need to set a date for a public hearing and post this in the community; must include e-mail address & usps address to receive feedback. Discuss with Donna Karlsen to have this posted once the sub-committee creates these items. 

1.)  First step is to create a sub-committee 

a.)   November meeting will clarify and define the role of the sub-committee

b.)  Sub-committee to create e-mail address

c.)   Gather and analyze information that will inform the development of short-term vacation rental code & policy

d.)  Sub-committee will be a public meeting that is posted. Frequency of meetings, dates and times to be determined by sub-committee members. 

e.)   Planning board members should let Linda Mastellar know by November 5th if they would like to be on the sub-committee

Burling created a motion to develop a sub-committee, second by Mastellar.

Other notes

Rich Olsen provided his resignation effective at the end of the December meeting. Rich will let Donna Karlsen know.


Adjourn.  Moved by Burling, second by Freir. Passed 4-0

Adjourned 9:07e

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