Varick Planning board August 26, 2021


Varick Planning board August 26, 2021

 Varick Planning board minutes

August 26, 2021

Present: Linda Mastellar (chair), April Freier, Lauren Burling, Rich Olsen, Frankie Long, Thomas Björkman (Secty). 

Absent Hershey Sensenig. 

Guests: Cindy Lont, Gerry Willower, Mark Lin, Ben Lin, Jason McCormack (on phone)

Minutes for July. Moved Olsen. Second Mastellar. Approved 6-0

Welcome to new members Lauren and April.

Colarco Subdivision. 

The Varick Planning Board accepted a preliminary plat for a lot line move at lot 01-4-13 4831 East Lake Rd (Colarco) and 01-4-12 (Willower). The move will square up the lot line by moving it 12.5 feet at rear of the lot, and 0 ft at the road, for approximately 250 ft. The resulting lots will be ~168 ft and ~112 ft in the rear. The applicant provided a SEQR EAF. Will determine whether AgData Statement is needed. Signature of owners of both properties is needed. 

Moved Björkman, Second Long. Approved 6-0.

Backlund trust Subdivision

Dan Toner (Century 12), Eric Backlund (trustee) presented. 

The Varick Planning Board accepted a preliminary plat to divide lot 5-1-13.1 at 4608 route 89, comprising approximately 50 acres.  6.5 ac 43 ac. Each property will have 215 ft frontage. Narrowest point is over 150 ft. Applicant provided a SEQR EAF and Ag Data Statement and will provide a more detailed sketch before we submit the application to the county planning board. 

Moved Björkman, Second Long. Approve 6-0.

Discussed potential future subdivision of the larger Backlund parcel, potentially as a cluster subdivision. The current subdivision would be included in a determination of whether a future subdivision is minor or major.

Noise ordinance postcard. Was discussed at Town Board. They may consider at the next meeting, and possibly combine with Dog ordinance. Björkman will send proposed copy to Donna Karlsen for action.

Short-term rental

Dryden’s 2020 code is relatively short, under 2 pages. In contrast, Fayette’s is 12 pages. 

Canandaigua has three strikes to pull the permit where Fayette has just one.

An effective fine for renting without a permit must be higher than the rental income.

Other towns have found it useful to restrict the number of people per bedroom or total. 

Adjourn Moved Bjorkman, Second Mastellar Adjourned at 9:05

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