Varick Planning Board March 25, 2021


Varick Planning Board March 25, 2021


Planning Board

25, 2021


Linda Mastellar (chair), Rich Olsen (via Zoom), Hershey Sensenig, Frankie Long,
Thomas Björkman (Secretary, via Zoom), Absent: Michele Hermann, one vacancy.
Guests: Lauren Burling, Nick Davoli

Approval of Minutes from

Moved by Olsen, second by
Sensenig, approved 5-0

Stolzfus-Fisher subdivision.

Public hearing regarding
Stoltzfus-Fisher and Smoker subdivision opened at 7:17 pm.

Chair Mastellar noted that the County
Planning Board had no concerns.

Public hearing closed at 7:18

Resolution: The Varick
Planning Board
issues final approval to subdivide Lot 14-1-07.2 into two
parcels. This action divides the lot into Parcel A consisting of 42.829 acres
of fields, and Parcel B of 30.185 acres with a farmstead and about 28 acres of
field. The frontage and narrowest part are over 100 feet wide. The applicants
are the buyers of the property, Levi Stoltzfus and Elam Fisher. 

applicant supplied an Agricultural data statement. The board finds that there
will be no impact on adjoining agricultural uses because the land use will
remain  agriculture.


The board received the Short
Environmental Assessment Form and declared itself the lead agency for State
Environmental Quality Review. Upon review of the EAF, the board found no impact
because the action will lead to no change in land use, nor creates a condition
that would encourage one. The board makes a negative declaration of
environmental impact.

Moved by Long, Second by Olsen.
Approved 5-0

Parella lot line move. Realtor Nick Davoli appeared on
behalf of the owners.

The proposal is to more move
125 x 579 (2.09 ac) to the north side of Parella’s existing lot (
10-3-25.3), which fronts on East Lake Rd
from Lafferty’s lot 10-3-26, which fronts on Deal Rd, leaving about 5 acres and
a width of 561feet. Parella has access to Deal Rd by
easement, not by deed.

Resolution: We accepted a preliminary plat for a lot-line
move to take 2.09 acres from Lot 10-3-26 (Lafferty) to lot 10-3-25.3 (Parella).
The frontage and narrowest part of the remaining part are 561 feet. We will
also receive an Agricultural Data Statement and Environmental Assessment Form.
The application will need to be filed by the both owners.

Moved by Björkman, Second by Sensenig Approved 5-0.

Noise ordinance. Sheriff Luce
responded to Chair Mastellar regarding the proposed noise ordinance. He has
long experience with Waterloo’s noise ordinance. It worked well and was applied
all the time. He said that it was definitely enforceable, and he is in favor of
the ordinance. He noted that nobody has a dB meter, even though they are quite
inexpensive. He suggested that the ordinance specify a fine, with a minimum and
maximum, for second offences. Björkman will present this information to the
Town Board at their April 6 meeting.

Discussion of structure

We have recently had some cases
where residents, or prospective residents, wanted to find out what the
permissible use was for a unit, but there was ambiguity because some terms were
not defined, or not defined well enough.

 We need to have good definitions for habitable
structures, their subunits, the groups of inhabitants, and how they are used.

Once we have definitions that
lets us clearly identify what we call all the variants we have encountered, we
can begin grouping uses and what is permitted, conditional and prohibited in
the various zones. The uses should follow fairly closely to what is intended in
the code now; the purpose is to clarify definitions.


Moved by Sensenig, second by
Long. Approved 5-0. Adjourned at 9:18

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